Chapter 12

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Michael's POV

As I was smiling she was glaring. " What TF do you want Michael." she said with attitude like I give a damn. " Sarah stop being a bitch we both know you want me more then you want Jose." I said simply and my boys laughed. " Fuck Off Michael I don't want you so fuck out my face boy." she said too calmly which made me wonder a little and made me even more mad. She got up and was about to leave when I grabbed her by her waist and made her sit  in my lap.

She was trying to get up but the more she tried the more I tightened my grip on her waist. She finally gave up and sat there pouting which was a major turn on. " please don't pout baby you turning me on." I said whispering. she stop pouting and crossed her arms in attitude. " now baby if you don't say you want me Imma kick your ass matter of fact meet me after school." I said and hurried off my lap and ran out the lunch room and Jose followed. I scoffed and got my lunch. When I sat down and began to eat my lunch Jasmine skank ass sat next to me. 

" what TF do you want Jasmine." I said copying Sarah's line. " Mikey  she don't want you so let her go and come back to me damn it." she said mad. I scoffed and waved her off. " well I'm not giving up on her and I'm not a cheater I don't cheat on my wife honey." I said and her eyes widened. I smirked and threw my empty lunch away and left the lunch room with my boyz right behind me snickering. They always laughed with stupid selfs. I looked straight a head and saw Jose and Sarah talking but Sarah was crying hard. When she looked at me I saw sadness in her eyes and she ran again. This time I ran after her. Damn she fast as a bitch!!!!! When I finally caught up to her I dragged her in the closet and turned on the light. She cried even more and for the first time I felt guilty. " Sarah please don't cry Baby." I said feeling sad. " NO MICHAEL!!!!!! YOU ALWAYS MESSIN WITH ME FOR NO REASON ONE MINUTE YOU HATE ME NEXT MINUTE YOU WANNA BE LOVEY DOVEY SO LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!! she yelled. I covered her mouth with my hand before she said anymore but I removed my hand and kissed her slowly but passionately. She hesitated for a second but gave in and I deepened the kiss wrapping an arm around her waist and she placed both hands on the side my face holding me steady as she she stuck her tongue in my mouth which I gladly excepted.

She broke the kiss and I stared in her eyes with lust and desire. She bit her lip and so did I. I grabbed her ass and she let out a little gasp. I leaned in and kissed her again but this time it was longer. I moaned and grabbed her ass and smacked it hard and she moaned. " mmm you is sooo freaky baby." I said between kisses. " I know I am but Michael we need to stop because I feel like Jasmine when she was in here." She said and I broke the kiss nodding my head in agreement and snuck out the closet making sure no one was there.

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