Chapter 20 {Go and get her}

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So one more chapter for this story to end. However do check out some of my other works. Thank you :)

“Are you sure you want to be here?” he asked, his words awed with concern as he led her through the innards of the stadium, his brown eyes fixed on the bump that was her stomach. “You’re three days late, this is hardly the place you want to be” he fussed. Claire merely grinned at his protectiveness and placed a soft kiss to his lips, shutting him up. “I’m three days late, that’s all” she stated “When my mother had me, she was nearly two weeks late, it could just be hereditary” she giggled.

Zayn sighed and laced his fingers through hers “But what if you do? What if I miss it because I’m playing?” he asked her, his hazel eyes flashing with worry at the mere thought of it. The blue eyed girl smiled softly and kissed him again “I’ll make sure you are here with me, I couldn’t do it without you” she whispered. Zayn smiled and kissed her longingly, her soothing words reassuring him.

Four months had passed since their small spat. Although they were now both painfully aware of just how fragile they were, neither would have wanted it any other way, they’d never been more contented in their lives. Claire ’s due date had been and gone something which worried Zayn somewhat. He had been expecting fully that she would go into labour prematurely, that he would be holding his daughter in his arms sooner rather than later, but it seemed Claire ’s body had other plans. Of course he was slightly agitated, he had already waited nine months to meet the child that would surely be the best mistake of his life and it got to him that he was being forced to wait longer. But he didn’t let it show, he couldn’t, he just had to be content that soon enough he would be cradling his daughter in his arms.

“Oh come of it Zayn, I’ve seen enough of that from you two in the last week, break it up” Louis teased as he and El strolled into the player’s lounge, their faces lit with adoring grins towards the younger midfielder and his pregnant girlfriend. Zayn withdrew himself slowly from their kiss and placed an arm around his girlfriend’s waist “You say that as if I have never seen you two going at it” he noted with a large teasing smile, one that caused Louis to roll his eyes playfully. Over the four months that had passed, it was safe to say that Claire and Zayn had gravitated towards Louis and El, the two couples were inseparable. “So Clairy?” EL smiled taking the brunette’s attention away from the two boys that seemed to be bickering “Are you sure it is wise being here?” she asked.

Claire smiled sweetly at her concern but nodded her head regardless. She understood people’s qualms about her attending the match, but was certain that there was no need to be worried. She knew that she was likely to go into labour any second, but wasn’t overly concerned. Besides, being at the match meant that she was with people as opposed to being alone. “I’m sure” she smiled sweetly. El nodded, obviously satisfied and led her friend towards their usual seats where they engaged in a light and pleasant conversation.

An hour had passed. Zayn made his way out onto the terrace to say goodbye to his girlfriend. “Are you sure that you will be ok?” he fussed as he toyed with her dark hair adoringly “I don’t want you to get too worked up” he sighed. Claire smiled at his anxieties and kissed him softly, trying with her kiss to assure him that she wanted to be there “If anything happens, I will make sure you know” she whispered as she cupped his cheeks “I will send El onto the pitch if I have to, you will know Zayn, stop worrying about me and focus on the game, the team need you” she smiled. Zayn laughed lightly and smiled his amazing smile “Ok” he said as Claire admired him “I love you” he said earnestly.

Claire giggled and kissed him softly once more “And I love you, now go and get them” she smiled widely. Zayn nodded his head and pecked her lips once more before wandering away. Claire sat down once more and turned to El who was smiling at her widely “What?” she giggled as the brunette rolled her eyes

“Have I ever told you that you and Zayn are adorable?” she gushed, causing the brunette’s pale cheeks to flame red “Don’t get all embarrassed on me. You and Zayn are by far the most adorable couple I have ever seen and you’re going to have the most adorable baby ever” she squeaked. Claire smiled slightly, but it soon fell as a small wave of soft pain radiated through her body. She shook it off quickly and watched with pride as Zayn, dressed in his black and white training kit, made his way onto the pitch. It wasn’t much longer until the match started. It was a league match against Stoke City, one that looked set to send the team into the top four. Zayn, as nearly always, started something which made Claire exceedingly proud; there was nothing she adored more than watching her man play the game he adored.

The game started with a good tempo. Stoke had come for a game and it was evident from every ball they played, they were determined to brave the brunt of the team's storm and then counter. It was mid way through the first half when the first goal was put into the net. A trademark Rory Delap long throw tore through the air, evading the flailing headers of the team's centre backs to meet that of Jones who neatly slotted it into the top corner of the net. That dampened the stadium’s atmosphere, the once buzzing crowd fell silent and the player’s hung their heads. Stoke’s lead however, didn’t last all that long.

Half time came. Claire  was uncomfortable and had been for entirety of the first half.

The small wave of pain that had flowed through her body had repeated itself several times and was growing in intensity, something which confirmed her suspicions, she was in labour. She wasn’t far in, not by any stretch of the imagination, but it hurt and it hurt like hell. Grunting through another contraction, she took El’s hand in hers, capturing the her attention with ease. “Claire ?” she asked curiously as the brunette grimaced once more "Claire are you alright honey?” she asked.

Claire  shook her head agitatedly and looked at her friend “Z.....Zayn” she stammered out “G…go and get him” she grunted. El's face lightened with realization “Oh my gosh” she cried, capturing the attentions of the other wives and girlfriend’s that sat around them “Can someone go and get Zayn, please?” she called “She's in labour” she gushed. Sophia scampered away to find the footballer as El escorted the young girl to a car…

…”That was a good half” the coach complimented as the boys sat in the locker room, their bodies hunched and doused with sweat “Tomlinson, Malik you are playing well, I am expecting…” the  voice faded as the sound of high heels clacking against the marble floor echoed. Within seconds, Sophia, had appeared. “Honey what are you doing in here? You know you’re not allowed to see me during the game” Liam exclaimed as she made her way deeper and deeper into the room.

Zayn watched her closely as she panted for breath “Cl...Claire..." she stammered out breathlessly. Zayn's ears pricked up at the mention of his girlfriend’s name and he rose slowly from the bench “What about her?” he enquired “What’s the matter with her” he pestered, his nerves growing. She smiled “She’s in…in labour Zayn” she breathed, causing the young footballer’s heart to leap. With in a second, he had turned to his manager with a pleading smile on his lips “Please” he breathed out “I need to be with her right now” he said. The coach smiled softly in understanding and nodded his head “Go” he smiled “Be with your girlfriend” he laughed.

Zayn shook his hand gratefully and smiled widely as his friends cheered for him. without another second’s hesitation, he grabbed his bag and darted from the changing room, ready to be a daddy

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