Chapter 9 {Family comes First}

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(A/N) Hey so I've started a new fanfic titled Somewhere Love Remains (Liam Payne)
Hopefully you'll enjoy that story as well...
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Claire stared at the small English man, her eyes shimmering with a look of empathy as he fiddled with the bottom of his shirt, a clear hint of the nervousness that plagued him. It had been three weeks since their first ‘I love you’ had fallen past their lips and now, three months into Claire's pregnancy, they had decided it was time to allow their families in on their secret.

“Do we really have to do this?” Zayn whined as he ran his fingers through his short chestnut hair “I mean, we could probably wait, you’re not showing or anything, I’m sure we could leave it a while” he ranted, yet another hint that he was petrified of those that awaited him on the other side of the pristine white door “Your parents are going to hate me, I got their nineteen year old daughter pregnant after a one night stand. Name one person’s parents that love the guy that did that” he whined. Claire turned to face him fully and smiled softly “You stayed” she whispered as she wrapped her arms up around his neck “When everyone else would have walked away with their tail between their legs, you manned up and stood by me. I love you for that and I am certain that my family will to. Besides, what’s not to love about you? You’re funny, clever, cute” she giggled. Zayn smiled softly at his girlfriend and encircled her petit waist in his arms “You always know how to sooth me” he smiled gently as he rested his forehead against hers. She sighed and placed a gentle kiss on her boyfriend’s lips

“Come on” she whispered as she tapped on the door “Let’s get this over and done with eh?” he nodded his head meekly and grabbed her hand for comfort as the sound of footsteps echoed from the innards of the house.

Moments later the white door drew open to reveal a tall woman. It was clear to Zayn from his first look that this woman was Claire's mother, their appearances were very similar. Just like Marisol she bore bright blue eyes that shone as she stared at him and dark brown curls that cascaded softly down the sides of her pale face. “Claire” she exclaimed, her voice addled with a clear accent, one that Zayn couldn’t quite place. “Oh honey you look so beautiful” she gushed as she pinched her daughter’s clearly red cheeks “And this must be Zaynie” she stated. Claire sighed “Zayn mother” she stated “Zayn, this is my mother Rosanna, Mother, this is my boyfriend Zayn” she introduced. Zayn stuck his hand out nervously to the woman, his brown eyes fixed on the floor nervously as she looked over him. “Zayn” she repeated “I have always like that name” she noted sweetly. He lifted his eyes slightly and looked at her to find her grinning at the mere sight of him. “Come here you” she giggled as she tossed her arms around the small man “It’s a pleasure to finally meet the man that my daughter is so smitten by” she giggled. He hugged back hesitantly before she released him. “Come, come, my boys can’t wait to meet you” she giggled, Zayn cocked his eyebrow as he looked at Claire “My dad and my brother” she stated. He smiled weakly and took her hand once more as they wandered into the small house.

“Nathan I have told you” Rosanna chided as she clapped a newspaper against the legs of a young man. The man looked up at her and rolled her eyes before allowing them to settle of the stranger that was Zayn Malik. ‘Nathan’ was a tall man, dwarfing Zayn with ease in both height and muscle mass, something which scared him slightly. He did resemble Claire slightly, but their similarities were easily outweighed by the differences. Unlike Claire, Nathan bore a set of green eyes and sandy blonde hair, features he had presumably inherited from their father. He sat on the couch dressed in Manchester United shirt jeans. “Oh my gosh” he gushed rather effeminately as he jumped from the couch

“You’re Zayn Malik” he announced “You’re good....” he gushed. Claire giggled at the look in her elder brother’s eyes as he surveyed Zayn's stature. The smallish footballer beamed. “Nathan, this is my boyfriend Zayn and Zayn this is my elder brother Nate” Claire introduced as the singer wrapped his arm around her waist. “You…him…date…huh?” the older man stammered, clearly awed  “Yes Nate” she giggled “I am sorta dating Zayn” Zayn furrowed his brow and placed a kiss to his girlfriend’s temple

“Only sorta?” he muttered as he held her close to him, his hands resting subtly on her ever so slightly swollen stomach “Fine, I am very much dating this guy over here” she teased as she turned in his arms to look into his big brown eyes. “Eh hem” Nate cleared his throat “You may be a good singer, but that does not mean you can eat my sister’s face in front of me” he stated. Claire rolled her eyes and withdrew herself slightly from her boyfriend’s warm grip. “Where’s dad?” she asked, Nathan shrugged his shoulders

“Last time I saw him he was fixing up that old car in the garage, mum was going on at him for not getting ready for your arrival” he explained. Claire nodded her head and smiled

“I’m going to find him; Zayn you’ll be alright here won’t you?” She asked, Zayn peered around the room shyly before Nathan answered for him “Course he will, he’ll be with me” he beamed wrapping his arm around the smaller man’s shoulder. Claire rolled her eyes and placed a kiss on her boyfriend’s lips “Be nice” she warned her brother before leaving the room.

“Dad?” she enquired gently as she pushed the door to the garage open, smiling slightly as she caught sight of the grey haired man as he stood straight at the sound of her voice. “Claire” he exclaimed wiping his hands on a rag as he made his way towards her “I didn’t expect you here so soon”

“From what Nate has told me, mum’s been on at you for hours to get ready” she teased as she smiled brightly at the older man. “Maybe she has” he sighed “She says you were bringing your boyfriend along, where is the lad?” he asked. Claire shook her head “You have to promise not to do the whole protective dad thing” she warned, the old man peered at her “I mean it dad. I really like this one and don’t want him to be scared off by you” it was true, she loved Zayn, but the fear of losing the father to her unborn child was greater than that, she knew she wouldn’t be able to raise a baby on her own. “What makes this one so special then?” he asked, a soft smile gracing his lips as he perched on the hood of the car he had been working on. “What’s his name again?”

“His name is Zayn” Marisol replied as a soft, love struck smile lit her features “And he’s just amazing. He’s so sweet, so cute, so funny. Dad he’s everything I ever imagined my perfect guy to be. He’s attentive and protective, he’s naïve, but so strong minded at the same time” she ranted as her voice drifted into a more love struck tone. Her father smiled softly “You love him don’t you?” he asked his daughter softly, a glimmer of pride shimmering in his green eyes. She bowed her head as her pale cheeks flamed red, a sight that made her father chuckle “It’s not a trick question Clary, I’m merely asking if you love this Zayn fellow” he teased. The brunette peered up into her father’s eyes and nodded “Yes dad, I do, I love him” she breathed. The old man smiled and stood from the hood of the car “Well then, I guess I best go meet him eh?” he chuckled. Claire nodded her head and stood to, following her father back to the room where she had left her boyfriend.

“Claire you have truly outdone yourself this time” Nathan beamed as the small girl wandered back into the room “Zaynie here is perhaps the most amazing guy I have ever met, you are going to be with him forever” Nathan beamed enthusiastically. Claire shook her head “Glad to see that my choice of boyfriend appeases you dear brother of mine” she smiled sarcastically as she took Zayn’s hand. The brown eyed man peered at his girlfriend nervously; of course he had been nervous to meet her mother and brother, but the nerves were no where near as strong as those he had about meeting his girlfriend’s father. “You’ll be fine” she whispered as she kissed his cheek softly before pulling her over to the new man. His hair was going grey, but still held eminence of his sandy blonde hair, his eyes, much like son Nathan’s, were a deep green.

“And you must be Zayn” he spoke in a flawless London accent “Claire here has told me quite a lot about you. She holds you in quite high regard from what I understand” he smiled sweetly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Sanchez, Clary here has told me a lot about you too” Zayn smiled politely. The old man chuckled kindly at the young man’s nervousness. “No need to be so nervous lad, Claire has already warned me about biting your head off, you’ve got nothing to fear” he smiled “And call me William” Zayn smiled at the old man, it was clear from his calm demeanor that Zayn's pervious nervousness had been unnecessary.

The day flew by and before the pair knew it they were preparing to depart, only one obstacle stood in their way. “Are you two off then?” Rosanna asked, her bright kind smile still glowing proud even after many hours. Claire peered at Zayn who in turn peered at her. “Not quite yet” she muttered “We have something to tell you all” she stated, looking back at the brown eyed man for reassurance. He smiled kindly and stood behind her, his arm wrapped around her waist. “Well Clary spit it out, I do have a life” Nate sighed adding an eye roll for emphasis. Claire swallowed, suddenly her throat was dry, something Zayn must have picked up on as his grip tightened around her waist. “You’re not getting married are you?” Rosanna beamed, the thought of her daughter as a bride filled her with joy. “No, no” Zayn stammered, he too looked pale and nervous “We…well…uh” he stammered hopelessly. “I’m pregnant” Claire blurted out as she cast her eyes across her relatives in search of compassion.

Unfortunately there was none to be found…

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