Chapter 12 {Shopping Trips}

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And I'll be gone gone tonight

The ground beneath my feet is open wide

The way that I been holdin' on too tight

with nothing in between....

Isn't Story Of My Life just amazing?! <3

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Zayn smiled with content as he set the final box of her belongings down by the door to his apartment. It’d been a long morning, one which had merely consisted of walking up and down the same flight of stairs with arms full of boxes as she sat on the couch, familiarizing herself with the new apartment that she was to call home. “Is that it?” she asked, lifting her powder blue eyes away from the magazine that rested in her lap and turning to face him. Zayn nodded his head and took a seat beside her, wrapping her slender frame in his arms “I can’t believe this” he giggled as he rested her forehead against “You live here” he chuckled. Claire bit her lip softly, trying to contain the uncontrollable grin that was fighting to spread out across her face. “Yeah I do” she replied gently, her head dropping to rest on Zayn's shoulder as her nose nuzzled gently into his skin. Zayn giggled at her action and hugged her tightly; he had never felt so content.

After a small break, Zayn stood from the couch, his chestnut eyes scanning the large array of labeled cardboard boxes that littered the laminate following of his once immaculate apartment. How Claire had come to own so much at mere age of nineteen was beyond him, all he did know was that he had to find room for it. sighing softly he made his way towards a small box labeled ‘baby things’, although his instincts told him that it was nothing more than mementos from her own infant years, his intrigue got the better of him and once he had examined the contents he was glad that it had. Making his way towards it, he slipped the craft knife from the back pocket of his jeans, slicing the parcel tape that held it closed and opening it. He smiled softly at the content of the small box. Inside there were a few toys, all brand new with labels hanging from their ears. There were baby grows too, some in pink, others in blue and some in white. Claire had clearly covered all the bases when it came to the gender of their baby.

“I see you found it then” she noted softly from behind. He turned at the sound of her voice and smiled gently “How long’ve you had these?” he asked, his hands tentatively lifting one of the small blue baby grows from the confines of the cardboard box. She combed a hand through her hair, tucking some of the chocolate curls behind her ear “I got them a couple of weeks ago” she admitted, a slight pink tint appearing on her pale cheeks “Well I’m three months gone and we have to start at some point” she defended. He turned to her, his pallid hands cupping her cheeks “There’s no need to get so defensive” he smiled earnestly “You’re right, we do have to start somewhere, so, let’s go now” he grinned, she furrowed her brow slightly and looked into his adorable brown eyes “Let’s go where?” she asked. Zayn withdrew himself from her body and picked his jacket up from the side. Turning back, he grinned “Let’s go baby shopping” he announced enthusiastically. Claire beamed up at him, adoring the look in his eyes “Are you sure?” she asked, Zayn nodded his head and wrapped his jacket around his body “Sure thing” he nodded brightly.

Around an hour later the pair found themselves in the centre of the high street. He took her hand in his, cradling the pale extremity delicately as he led her towards a small looking baby shop. “Are you sure you want to be out in public doing this?” she asked, concern lacing her words as they stepped into the shop. Zayn looked at her, confused. “You’re Zayn Malik remember? You’re sort of famous” she stated. Zayn merely chuckled at her anxieties and gripped her hand tighter “I want to do this” he noted “I don’t care if I get caught, what’s wrong with going out baby shopping with my pregnant girlfriend?” he asked, she smiled softly at his words and rewarded him with a soft kiss on the lips. “Quit worrying so much” he muttered as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead and led her towards a rack of baby clothes. “Do you have any….feelings yet?” he asked, his nose crinkling slightly in concentration as he tried to find the right phrasing for his question. Claire looked at him, confusion written clearly across her face “Feelings?” she asked. He nodded his head eagerly

“You know, as to whether we are having a boy or a girl” he stated. Claire bowed her head slightly, peering down at the slightly noticeable bump that protruded from the floral material of her shirt. If she was honest, then no, she hadn’t had any feeling as to the gender of baby she would bringing into the world in just under six months, but as she looked at it, the small, barely noticeable lump on her abdomen, she sensed something. “Clary?” he queried, noticing the far-off look that plagued her eyes “Do you?” he pushed. The dark haired girl shook her head no and sighed “No, I don’t have any idea yet” Zayn smiled brightly at her response, something she couldn’t help but note as strange. “Why does that make you so happy?” she asked

“Because I have” he noted excitedly “Ever since you told me that you were having my baby, I’ve been certain that we are having a girl, daddy’s little princess” he beamed causing his girlfriend to giggle “Our little princess”

“You don’t know that for certain, what if it is a little boy?” she retorted.
“Even though I am certain that we will have a girl, if it is a boy, I will love him just the same, daddy’s little prince” he chortled. Claire shook her head and moved towards a rail of clothes, perusing the various items that lined it.

The sky was darkening when the pair emerged from the store, their arms weighted down with various items that they had purchased for their impending arrival. From bottles to nappies to romper suits, they had purchased it, all except for a crib that they would pick up later. Due to the darkness that was slowly coming to surround street, Zayn assumed that they were safe from the prying eyes of the media, something he had been inept at avoiding in all the months that he had been with her, sparing her from the world of singer's girlfriend fame, something he was desperate to keep her from entirely. This however, was a naïve belief. Just steps away from taking their seats in the front of his prized Audi, the all too familiar lights of the Papparazzi’s cameras flashed, dazing the pair slightly.

“Who is she?”

“Why are you carrying items from a baby shop?”

“Is she pregnant?”

“Are you the father?”

That was only a few of the questions that doused his ears as the lights continued to plague his brown eyes. “Mr. Malik we have a question” one reported called as he thrust a microphone into Zayn's face “Who is this lovely woman?” he pushed. He looked towards Claire. Her blue eyes shone as the flashes doused her face; it was clear from the look that plagued the blue orbs that she was scared; it was her first time experiencing the circus that was the paps. “Mr. Malik” the same reported called “Any chance of an exclusive?” he badgered. Zayn extended his arm and drew Claire to his side, shielding her scared face in the crook of his neck. “This is Claire” he spoke, causing a hush to descend upon the buzzing group of reporters “She’s my girlfriend” he added “My pregnant girlfriend” he finished before pushing her into the car and climbing in himself.

“Are you ok?” he asked as she drew her eyes up to meet his “They can be so annoying. You’re famous so immediately they must stalk you” he fumed, merely irritated at the amount of fear that they had instilled in his sweet natured girlfriend. “Why should my business be spread out across the front page? I’m no one special, surely they have other, far more interesting news, that they could be spreading. But oh no, some boybander is having a kid, he’s front page news” he spat. Claire placed a comforting hand on her boyfriend’s arm, capturing his furious attention. “It would have come out at some time Zayn” she spoke softly, her blue eyes tracing his face slowly “It’s over with now and we’ll deal with it. Sure, for a little while our story is going to be everywhere, but they’ll get over it and soon things will be back to normal” she assured him. He smiled gently and tucked a strand of her deep chocolate hair behind her ear “You always know the right thing to say” he smiled; she blushed at his compliment before placing her lips gently to his. Her kiss always seemed to make things alright again…

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