Chapter 13

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Vic's POV
Alex Gaskarth placed a slobbery kiss on Lilly's cheek, Lilly's face scrunched up and she giggled. I smiled saying" having fun?" Lilly hissed and pushed Alex's face away from her, she walked to me and wrapped her arms around my stomach, I smiled saying" Hey, baby sister." She said" hi." Alex said" oh, I can't wait till Jack boy sees this." I groaned, throwing my head back, Lilly laughed and soon I heard Jack say" see what? Oh, my god! She's gorgeous!" I looked at them to see Jack smiling at Lilly, I knew he was playing and all but my big brother, little sister instinct kicked in and I wrapped my arms around Lilly's stomach. She said" Really, Vic? Whatcha gonna do when I get a real boyfriend?" I said" kill him, and then have mike destroy the body, Tony and Jaime to destroy all evidence of his existence." She laughed, saying" so you don't want nieces or nephews?" I said" shut the hell up! You are too young for that!" She laughed even more, and all my worries disappeared as I heard her happy laugh. I smiled and looked at Alex and Jack, they wiggled their eye brows, and smirked stupidly. I playfully glared at the two and said" my sister is off limits to band members!" I lifted Lilly into my arms and ran off back to the bus,

Once we got back to the bus, Mike said" what happened?" I said" they're horrible." He laughed and looked at Lilly, Lilly walked back into the bunks, something was wrong. I could tell. Mike looked at me then looked at the door, I nodded, we both walked into the bunks and saw she had went into the back lounge. We walked in and saw she was curled up on the couch, her sniffles soft but there. I said" baby, what's wrong?" She turned to us, scared but shook her head mumbling" noth-nothing, Vic." Her voice wavered, I looked at her, mike said" Lilly, what's wrong?" She said" nothing." I said" come on, tell us the truth, we won't judge you." She whimpered but said" what if I never get a boyfriend? What if I never get married or fall in love? What if I stay alone forever? What if everyone hates me? What if I'm too-too ugly or fat--" Mike said" stop it. Stop it right now!" She stopped, and looked at mike, Mike said" you'll fall in love one day, you're the most beautiful young girl, and you aren't even close to fat. Don't ever think of yourself like that." I could see the pain in her eyes, and I couldn't stand seeing it, I said" did you relapse?" She shook her head, but her lip quivered, and then she broke down. Her sobs broke my ears and I flung forward and grabbed her hands pulling her up. I held her in my arms and kissed her head whispering" shh, shh, it's okay, Lilly, it's okay." Mike said" we have to check them." Lilly said" it was last week, I-I... you-you.. don't have to." Mike said" Lilly..." she said" no." She pulled away from me and curled up in a ball, shaking, I said" Lilly, you're okay, we don't have to check them." She relaxed and fell asleep, I wish I could help her, I wish I could know every single problem in her world so I could help her.

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