Chapter 11

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Lilly's POV
I woke up and crawled out of the bunks, and then walked to the main lounge. I saw Mike and Tony, Mike said" hey, Lilly, how was your adorableness sleep?" Tony said" isn't called beauty sleep?" Mike said" she is a kid. She is adorable. She isn't allowed to be beautiful enough to attract boys till she's 31." Tony laughed, I dropped my head, mumbling" I'm too tired for this." I walked to Mikey and cuddled into his side, he said" still needing to wake up before you deal with us?" I nodded, and crawled onto his lap, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. He said" you gonna like tour?" I said" we'll see." He laughed loudly, I glared at him, then mumbled" asshole." He said" I know, I know." I said" where's Vic and Jaime?" Vic said" right here, baby." I looked up and saw Vic, and Jaime running up behind him. I said" I'm going back into bunk because you boys are too loud." Vic chuckled, he said" we'll get you up when we get to our stop." I nodded and walked back to the bunks then walked back to the main lounge. I grabbed Vic's hand and tugged him back to my bunk, Vic laughed saying" you know there are words... like.." I turned and pouted at him, he said" just kidding, baby sis." He laid down in his bunk, and I crawled in next to him, he wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly. I fell back to sleep in the safety of my big brother's arms.

Vic's POV
Lilly fell back to sleep in my arms, I withheld my laugh and realized I was stuck in here with nothing to do till she wakes up. I didn't mind at all, I know she has trouble falling asleep when she doesn't feel fully safe. And with our father scaring the living hell out of us the other week, it really hurt her the most. I guess it's about how he abused her and we weren't there to face the abuse but she was, she was hurt for so long without her big brothers coming to the rescue and seeing his face again, just really terrified her. I kissed her head, and then rubbed her arm, gently, I whispered" you're always safe with me, Lilly."
After 10 minutes, she started thrashing against me, I whispered" shh, Lilly..." I said" Lilly! You're okay, it's just a nightmare, I'm right here, nothing's going to get you." She calmed down in her sleep, I said" no one's going to get you." I kissed her head, keeping my lips pressed to her head for a few seconds. I leaned back and stared at my little sister, my baby sister, we'll always call her baby, our parents don't have the right to, so we do. And it's always been Lilly, baby, or baby sis. It's always Baby when she's sad and needs cheering up or when we're trying to comfort her. But it's always Lilly when we're trying to get her out of a nightmare. We're starting tour up in Northern California, then we do United States and Canada then a week break, then we go to.. I think United Kingdom, then the rest of Europe then Australia. Aka, this was a big ass tour. I just hope Lilly makes it, it's just she's growing up now, and only a few more years and she'll be able to do her own thing, but I think she'll stick with us till she's 20 and then decide what to do. I won't push her into going to college or getting a 9 to 5 job, she can do whatever the hell she wants and I will support her no matter what she chooses as long as she's safe in said place and job. And I know the jobs she's sworn she'll never ever do, otherwise known as any job that has to do with blood and needles because she hates both. But she wants to get a tattoo when she's 16, and I'll support that too, as long as I don't have to be there and it can be Mike holding her hand. I saw Mike look at me, he whispered" what ya thinking about?" I whispered" her future." He whispered" I'll never think about her future because that means she won't always need us by her." I whispered" I know, it'll be weird not seeing her or hearing her everyday when she's older." He whispered" just think about tour without her." I whispered" no way." He chuckled, he rubbed the side of her face, gently, he whispered" I hope nothing happens to her." I whispered" I hope so too, Mike."

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