Chapter 8

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Mike's POV
I woke up to Lilly screaming, I jumped up and ran out my door, I saw Vic standing at his door too. We both ran into Lilly's room and saw she was screaming and thrashing around in her bed. I said" Lilly! Wake up! Wake up!" Vic screamed" Lilly!" We both grabbed her hands and pinned her to the bed, she finally snapped out of it, and looked around terrified. She saw us and instantly latched to Vic's side, Vic wrapped his arms around her, gently, she was shaking like crazy. Tears were flowing down her face, I said" shh, shh, Lilly, Shh, you're okay, you're okay..." she wasn't calming down like normally, I said" Lilly, lilly! Look at me." I grabbed her chin and made her look at me, gently, I said" Lilly, it's Vic and Mike, it's okay, you're awake." Her breathing slowed, and she stopped shaking, I noticed Vic was humming too, I looked at Vic, scared, I was scared. He didn't let go of Lilly till she was breathing normally and her grip on his arm loosened to nothing. Vic said" Lilly, you're okay, you're okay." He held her and then laid her down again, she gripped his arms once again. I said" Lilly, speak to us." She said" I-it... m-Mike, 'm scared." I took her out of Vic's arms and held her on my lap, my arms wrapped tightly around her, and I laid my chin on her head. I said" you don't have anything to be afraid of while I'm around." I kissed her head and rocked her slowly. I said" you're okay. You're okay." After she calmed down, I said" go back to sleep, baby, we're right here." She laid her head on my chest, and she fell back to sleep, easily. I looked at Vic, he knew she was getting worse, her nightmares have never been this fierce before.

Once morning came, I looked at her and saw she was still asleep, Vic and I couldn't fall back to sleep after seeing our little sister terrified. I wiped my eyes and soon Lilly woke up, she looked at us then instantly looked around her room, she sighed, and laid her head back on my chest. I said" Lilly, tell us what happened in your nightmare." She whimpered, shaking her head, mumbling" no, no, no, no, no." I said" okay, okay." I held her and I wasn't planning on letting her go, anytime soon. I kissed her head again and again, Vic said" Lilly, we need to help you, we want to help, but you need to tell us what happened?" She mumbled" I-i was a little girl r-running away from father... then-then I was myself, I-i.. you never rescued me an-and I-i woke up from a nightmare. I-it was like a n-nightmare in a-a n-nightmare." I said" shh, shh, it's okay." She started shaking violently, I started humming, then she calmed down after a few minutes. She mumbled" never leave me." Vic said" we'll never leave you." I laid her down, Vic wrapped a blanket around her, Vic said" get some more sleep, baby, we'll wake you up later." She nodded, we could tell she was still tired since she didn't have a good night's sleep. She turned over and curled into a ball then slowly fell asleep. I kissed her head and rubbed her hair, Vic kissed her head, whispering" we love you." Into her ear, then we both walked out. Leaving our little sister to get some sleep, and so we could talk about what the hell we were going to do.

We walked into my room, Vic said" we can't let this continue, Mike." I said" I know, but you know she won't go to therapy." He said" I know but maybe she'll open up to us about it." I said" she has. It's just this nightmare really got her." He said" something must have happened big if it got her like that." I said" let's just hope she forgets about this nightmare like all the others." He nodded. We both looked at the door, hoping our little sister was okay.

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