"Thank you." I turn back around to the movie.

After a few minutes I feel someone hitting me with popcorn again.

"I said can you please stop," I say turning around.

"And what if we don't want to?" One of the boys say.

"Well you wouldn't want people throwing things at you while your watching a movie now would you, it would be really annoying." Justin says.

"Actually it's pretty fun throwing stuff at people like Miss Boney over here." Another one of the boys laugh.

"You know that's extremely rude. You guys don't have any right to say or do something like that to someone especially when you don't know what they're going through. So either act mature and stop bothering her while she's trying to watch a movie, or leave." Justin says before turning around.

"Thanks," I whisper to Justin.

"Yah, anytime."

Minutes after the argument, I feel liquid pouring down my head and notice that one of the boys was pouring soda on my head.

I stood up and ran out, not before seeing Justin at the corner of my eye punch the boy in the jaw.

I stood outside the door and started crying.

I couldn't breath well because of how much I was crying and started to have an asthma attack.

Justin ran out of the door and spotted me, seeing the state I was in.

"Hey hey, are you okay?" he asked with a panicked tone.

I didn't have enough energy to reply, so I shook my head no.

"Sadie breath. In with your nose out with your mouth."

I started doing that but was still panicking crying a little.

"Listen to me. In with your nose out with your mouth. In with your nose out with your mouth," He repeated.

I finally regained my breath and he hugged me. When he did that I started crying again.

"Hey, it's okay. It's gonna be okay," he whispered in my ear.

After a few minutes I finally stopped crying.

I pulled away, "Um, I'm gonna go try to wash the soda off my hair."

"Okay I'll be here," he replies.

"Maybe you should wash your face a little. I kinda got it all sticky, sorry."

"Yah I'll go do that, and it's fine, you don't have to apologize," He manages to smile.

We head to the bathrooms. There was someone already there washing her hands, but I just walked passed her not caring.

I put my hair in the sink and tried washing the soda out.

"Need help?" someone asks from my side.

I turn to my left slowly so water wouldn't go everywhere and see the same woman looking at me with concern.

"If you don't mind, yes please."

She puts her bag on the counter and starts rinsing my hair, then grabbing a little bottle of shampoo from her bag and washes my hair with it.

"So, may I ask how this happened?" She asked while washing my hair.

"Well um, some boys behind me were making fun of me and throwing popcorn at my head when I was trying to watch the movie. My friend was defending me and we thought it was over. Then one of the boys poured soda on my head, and I kinda ran out, but not before seeing my friend punch the person in the face. But yah, that's what happened."

"Oh wow!" She said drying off my hair. "I don't support violence, but they sure deserved that punch." She laughed a little.

I smiled, "Yah they did. Thank you for helping me with my hair."

"Of course."

We walked out of the bathroom and I spotted Justin.

"Is that him over there?" the woman asked.

"Um yes that's him."

"Well it was nice meeting you have a nice day with your date," she says leaving, not before winking at me.

I started turning red.

Justin walks over to me. "Who was that?"

"Someone that helped me with my hair in the bathroom."

"Oh okay. You wanna go get ice cream from DQ?"

"Of course! Can't say no to that," I grin.

We head to DQ which was next to the movies and we ordered. Justin got a vanilla, chocolate mint mix and I got a chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with rainbow sprinkles and caramel. Before I could reach down in my bag and bring out money to pay, Justin already paid for both.

"You know I could of paid for mine."

"I know but I wanted to."

I rolled my eyes.

"Hey I saw that," he said referring to my eye roll.

I gave him the what-are-you-gonna-do-about-it look.



We were there for maybe an hour eating ice cream and talking and I enjoyed it.

"My mom's coming to pick us up in like 2 minutes."

"Oh okay."

After his mom picked us up, I told them the direction to my house.

"Hey you live like 3 streets away from my house." Justin says.

"Really, shouldn't you be on my bus then."

"I get rides from my brother to school most of the time so I don't use the bus."

"Okay, makes sense."

We reach my house and Justin walkes me to my door.

"Well that was a maybe interesting day today," I say.

"True, but I had fun."

"Same. Besides what happened at the movies, it was."

"Yup, but I'll see you later, maybe we could do this another time."

"I would like that." I reply.

He then leaned in and I thought he was going to kiss me on the cheek, but his lips gently pressed against mine. I was surprised but quickly kissed back. That being my first kiss.

We pulled apart.

"Well that was nice," he said, his face a little flushed.

"Yah," I couldn't say much.

He chuckles, "Okay bye then."


He walks back to his car and they drive off.

"Well I just made a fool of myself," I say to myself before going into my house.

Doubt It Gets Better ● (Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now