Ch. 2 Crush?

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We walked into school and headed to homeroom. I sat at the back of the room and looked out the window where people were entering the building. Sam went over to where Colby and his other friends were, to catch up. My best friend Jendell walked over to me.

"Hey girl what's up?" she said excited.

"Eh not much."

"How're you coping?"

"Better I guess," I didn't really feel like having a conversation right now.

"I kinda have a feeling you didn't eat anything this morning," she said taking out a granola bar.

"I wasn't hungr--"

"That's what you always say Sadie, but it's unhealthy."

I just looked down at the desk.

"At least eat this," she pleaded offering the gronola bar to me.

I shook my head no.


"Uh fine," I said taking the granola bar.

She was still looking at me expectedly. "Right now."

"Oh my gosh," I rolled my eyes

"Oh my gosh," she mocked me. "Now c'mon."

I shook my head hiding a smirk before I started eating the bar. I finished eating it quickly, and she looked at me pleased with herself.

"Well was that so hard?"


"Everyone settle down, the bell already rung," my homeroom teacher, Ms. Delaine yelled when she walked in.

Jendell went and took a seat next to me.

After announcements, we got our schedule and headed to our first period class.


Finally lunch time came and Jendell and I arrived at the cafeteria.

"Oh there they are," Jendell said pointing at the table our friends were sitting at. They spotted us and waved. We walked over to them and sat down taking out our lunches. Sitting at the table eating were Sam, Colby, Shelda, Bri, Izzy, Bastien, and Ky.

"Sooo, guess who asked me out over the summer," Izzy said flipping her hair.

"Don't tell me it's that idiot Shawn," Jendell said.

"He's not an idiot, I like him and he's also really cute. Unlike you, the only person you ever dated wasn't even in person. I wouldn't even consider it dating. Pretty sad."

"Ooooohhh!" all the boys shouted.

"You guys are so immature," Jendell murmured rolling her eyes.

Izzy turned to where Shawn was and waited for him to spot her before she waved at him. Shawn waved back and turned back around to his table.

"See," Izzy boasted.

"I don't think anyone cares," Colby replied.

I giggled.

"Oh, and guess who said likes you," Izzy faced me smirking.

"Someone actually likes me, okay," I said sarcastically.

"Yah, Justin does."

"What?" I say surprised.

"Justin likes Sadie?!" Colby almost shouts not believing it.

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