"Short story" Gerald and neko Austin.

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It was a rainy day, The siblings were inside the house .

Gerald was busy studying while her "annoying " sister keeps bothering him by poking him.

"Will you stop it!!". Gerald tell causing her sister to laugh at him.

"Bruuuh CHILL". Jasmine said.

"I can't study while you disturbing me". Gerald said holding his book close to his face.

"What are studying for anyway there's no quiz on Monday". Jasmine said crossing her arms with a smirk on her face.

"Duh there is...In Science ". Gerald said .

"Science ? Oh now I remembered !...Meh..too lazy to study". Jasmine said resting her head on the desk.

"If you don't study you'll fail in the quiz". Gerald said.

"Nah..if you don't calm the fak down , it will start raining harder". Jasmine said tossing a chips in her mouth.

"Whats that got anything with me!". Gerald yelled getting impatient.

"You...never mind I forget what I was gonna say". Jasmine said.

Gerald sigh then continues reading.
Jasmine looks at her brother and sighs , she pokes on his shoulder .

"You know instead of studying everyday , how about you get some hobby or a pet?". Jasmine said .

"A hobby?". Gerald said looking at his sister with a raise brow.

"How about a pet? It's getting really lonely here , just the two of us but sometimes our friends visit us and our parents". Jasmine said.

"Well..". Gerald think for a moment.

"Soo~?". Jasmine said waiting for his answer with big puppy eyes.

"No...getting a pet means you have to be responsible of it..and it's you..you just want a pet not me". Gerald said returning his attention to the book.

"Awww.....well if you change your mind tell me!". Jasmine said picking up her phone and opening the door.

"Where do you think your going?". Gerald said.

"I'm going to hang out with
(y/n)..byeeee~". Jasmine said waving her hand and closing the door.

"Have fun". Gerald said looking back at his book.

Time skip ~ brought to you by mafia Seth~

It was already an hour and Jasmine wasn't back yet , Gerald already finish studying , he sighs and looks out of the glass backyard door .

It was raining harder , suddenly he jump when he heard the thunder.

"I hope she brings some umbrella....wait...she didn't ". Gerald said.

When he looks outside he saw a cat scratching on the door.

He approach it , the cat was wet by the rain and meows at him telling him to let him in.

"Aww". Gerald said , he opened the door and picks up the cat.  He gets a towel and dries the cat with it.

Gerald notice that the cat's fur was colored dark purple and it's eyes also. The cat meow at him with it's cute big eyes.

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