{misson failed}

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As Greg , you and Diana made your way quietly passing by Jason who is being distracted by Austin.

As all of you reach the kitchen and opened the door, Diana quickly closed it.
"No!". Diana yelled which she covered her mouth quickly, that Jason must have heard.

"What was that?". Jason said as he turn his head and look at the kitchen door.
"Must have been a mouse?". Austin said.
"A mouse? Talk?". Jason chuckled.
"Hahaha yeah". Austin laugh.

As the both of you relaxes , that was so close your thought.
"Why can't we go out there?". Greg said.
"There's dogs there ". Diana said.
"Oh yeah the dogs I forgot". You said.
"Then how are we going to go out?". Greg said.

"Well well well...if it isn't Diana~". You , Greg and Diana turn your head hearing the familiar voice.

"Jason!". Diana's eyes widen.
"Where do you think your going~?". Jason grinned looking at both of you.

"Um..getting some..fresh air?". You gave a wryly smile.
Jason then look at Greg sharply like thinking about something.

"Now don't you look familiar~?". Jason smirk walking close to Greg.
"I don't know what your talking about". Greg said in a female tone.

"That's what they aaaall say!". Jason suddenly push Greg on the ground and places his foot on top of his chest.

"Gr-". You quickly closed your mouth.
"My lord please don't hurt her". Diana said tugging on Jason's sleeve.

Jason start to deepen his step on Greg's chest.
"Jason stop!". You yelled .
If he continue deepening his step on his chest he might have a hard time breathing.
Diana continues pulling Jason's sleeve . Jason glared at Greg like he is an enemy.

"Diana stop that..". Jason said without turning around and just continue glaring at Greg.
"Please master don't hurt her!". Then suddenly a stinging sound echoes .

Jason have slap Diana across her face. Diana falls to the ground landing but first and touching her cheek where she was slap.

"DONT..disturb me b*tch". Jason said glaring at Diana.
"Diana ". You kneeled down her and check her cheek , It was red .

"Don't ever disturb me...if you do..I'll feed you to the dog's". Jason said and return his glare at Greg.

"Son of a-
Greg holds Jason's leg and tries to remove it on top of his chest which is getting closer to his neck.

"What's the matter~? Can't fight back?". Jason smiled disturbingly like smiles you saw from villains.

"G-get off ..me!". Greg yelled.
"Jason that's enough!". You yelled.
"Kitty..stay out of this..". Jason said.

Jason suddenly seats on Greg's chest and rips his maid outfit together with the head band.
"I knew it". Jason spat out in disgust like he see's something he hates.

"Greg Williams..the officer". Jason said .
"Jason". Greg said , the two of them each exchange glares like cats about to fight.

"Take them away". Jason said as a simple snap of his fingers 3 maids came carrying each a gun.

"Take this a$$holes away!". Jason yelled his teeth gritting in anger.
The maids bowed and holds Greg and Diana.
"No let me go!". Diana said.

"Also Austin..his in the living room". Jason said.
Jason glare at you and grab your wrist and drags you back inside your bedroom.

"HOW DARE YOU ESCAPE FROM ME!". Jason yelled like mad person . You take a step back , afraid what he might do to you.

"IS MY LOVE NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU?". Jason starts to take a step forward.

You kept silent each time he walks forward you take a step back.
"DONT YOU LOVE ME?". Jason's eyes start to water.
What is happening ..

As he turns around and seats down the ground letting his back rest on the walks . He start to...cry?

You..really felt bad for him (but why?).
As you reach a hand to comfort him suddenly a hand grabs you wrist.

As you flinch and look at Jason. He wipes his tears away using his sleeve and looks at you..with that disturbing smile you saw earlier.


"Wait what!?". Yours eyes widen hearing what he said. Kill him!? No! No way!.
"NO!". You yelled .
As he stands up , you struggle to get away from him but he grip on you tightly.
As he laughs evilly and cup your cheek.
"I won't let someone touch your pretty face~ or your body~ REMEMBER.........YOU...BELONG..TO..ME". He said as he pushes you away and leave making sure he locks the door.

"NOO!". You run towards the door hopping you can reach it before he closed it but it was too late..

You bang on the door shouting and yelling , begging for him to let you out and to not hurt them.

But he ignore you like he didn't heard anything.
You drop on the floor putting your hands on your face and cried.
"Please..please..don't die ". You hope you can escape and rescue them.

Back to Gerald~
"What's taking them so long?". Alvin sigh getting impatient.
"Maybe their having a hard time". Gerald said.
"No way..Greg could be finish by now...I think there's something bad happened ". Alvin said , there's this feeling he felt uneasy like something bad happened.

"Me too..honestly..Alvin stay low!". Gerald said as he brings hiis head down making sure his not visible , Alvin followed.

Two maids went out the mansion carrying a maid , Austin and-
"Greg!". Alvin's eyes widen.
"Oh no..". Gerald said.
"We have to do something!". Gerald said as he look at Alvin who seemed to be thinking.

"Diana ..I can't believe you betrayed us you traitor!". A maid said as she pushes her inside a large cage.

"We need to follow them". Alvin nod and quietly step out the car and hide.

"I'm sorry...". Another maid said as they put them all the cage and the 1st maid press the button on the wall.

A click noise was heard like they opened something but what?.

Growlings and barking answered your questions.

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