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Next morning , doing what you always do, wake up, eat breakfast , take a bath and go to school.

You get to your classroom. Opening the door and all eyes are on you. You stared at them and some whispered something to each other. But you walk it off and go to your bestfriend.

"Hey...Crystal?" You sat down on your chair and look at your Best friend .
"Yes (y/n)?" Crystal said.

"Why is everyone all whispering and staring?" You stated.
"Because of what happened yesterday" she said.
"You mean-
"Yes your brother just mess with the school's coolest and hottest bad boy!!" Crystal said blushing .

"You mean the black haired guy was the bad boy that everyone was talking about!!?" You said.
"Yup he's dangerous and rarely talks to anyone" Crystal said.
"I-I see what's his name?" You asked.
"Jason Chavez" your Best friend said .

"It's really strange that..he talk to you and all" she said.
"Well whatever I just help him so it's not a big deal" you said.
"It's a big deal! Don't you know her mother is the principal's assistant!? Hearing the word principal gives you chills and worry.

Lots of things are going through your mind like , what if he reports your brother to his mother and get your brother expelled ? What if he gets you and your brother in trouble !!?

That's what going through your mind. Crystal try to get your attention by waving her hand at your face.

"Hey! Hey (y/n)! Heeeeeey!!!" She yelled.
"Huh what!?" You said.
"Are you okay?" She asked .
"Not reall-

Before you could even finish your sentence a frightening voice cut you off and the voice came from your teacher.

"(Y/n)! " all eyes look at you. You think this is the end . You slowly walk to her.

"Y-yes m-Ma'm?" .
"Ms. (L/n) , you will be transferred to another room" she said.
"Wh-what!? Why??" Your eyes widen hearing that .
"It's none of your business and the principal said so" she said.
"No buts" she pointed outside the door, you frown and get all your stuff and went out. When you went out a beautiful lady greet you. She wears a business clothes . Long black hair. Blue eyes and red lips. She looks beautiful.

"Hello miss (y/n) , follow me to your new classroom" she said.

You follow her . Still you want to know why you were transferred to another room. The lady seems to see your troubled face and smiles.

"Don't worry your not in trouble , your just being transferred because it looks like you don't fit in that classroom. Miss (L/n) your one of the smartest student in that class and you beat some of your classmate . So your being transferred to a more behave and good students like you" she said.

You didn't really want to be transferred leaving your bestfriend . She finally stop to a door. It's saids on top.

"Moon rose" "room 454" it said.
She open the door . And all the student stands up and greet you.

"Good morning visitor" the class said.
Well you gotta say this class looks well behave.

"Hello class this is your new classmate (y/n) (l/n)" she said.

"Hello miss (y/n)" they all said. Okay this is starting to get creepy . They are like robots being program.

"Okay miss (y/n) you go seat there" she said and left.

You go to your seat, sit down and look at your classmates . Even without a teacher they are all behave.

"What is this class?" You whispererd to your self.
"Hello kitty~" you turn around and saw....the boy you help yesterday. You didn't notice his that hot. His sexy smirk , black hair slightly messy and that red eyes .

"U-I'm...-hello?" You said .
"What was your name again?" He asked .
"(Y/n) (l/n) just call me (y/n)" you said.
"I'll just call you kitty~" he smile.
"Um" you didn't want to say anything what if a wrong move and it's all over.

|"MINE"|  Male Yandere x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora