B) Shoot Jason= "{| Good Ending|}".

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You have to shoot Jason to save Diana to stop his madness and to stop getting people killed.

You close our eyes and-

You opened your eye and saw Jason's body drop down the ground. Diana catch her breath and saw Jason's body bleeding . Blood coming out of his mouth.

Diana put her hand on her mouth.
"Jason!! No...". Diana said as she cried. You remembered Gerald as you turn around you saw Gerald's body falls .

"NOOO!!". You screamed . You run towards him ignoring the pain in your leg. As you grab his hand you you didn't grab it .

His body falls down the hard roof of the shed.
You covered your mouth and cried. Diana run up to you and saw Gerald.
"Oh no". She said as she started to cry.

Alvin and the others reach this rooftop and saw you two crying . They run towards you and saw Gerald.

"Oh no Gerald!". Alvin climb down to Gerald and hold his body..he listen for a heartbeat. And his eyes widen.

"We need an ambulance!!!".

Lots of police came and ambulance. Gerald was taken by the ambulance. You saw Alvin talking to the officer. You wanted to know if his okay.

"Alvin! Alvin!". You said as you tug on Alvin's shirt.
"Not now (y/n)". He said as he continue talking to the policeman.
"Have the Chavez family been arrested ?". Alvin asked to the policeman.

The police man nod. "Good". Alvin said.
"Alvin please talk to me!". You said. He sigh and looks at you.
"Is he okay..?...please..tell me". You said as your eyes watered.
Alvin gave you a worried look and grab both of your shoulders.

"(Y/n)...I am not sure if he is okay..I'm sorry..but I hope he is". Alvin said as he left to do his job.

Your brother walk up to you and hug you, you hugged him . He patted your back.
"Don't worry sis..I know he will be okay..We have to belive the that his okay". Your brother said , you cried on his shoulders.

Alvin saw you . He felt sad seeing you cry. "Did you move the body?". Alvin asked one of the nurse.
"The killer's body sir?". The nurse said.
Alvin nod and also the nurse.

Your brother hugged you and comfort you.
"Don't worry (y/n)....Gerald will be okay! I believe in him!". You turn around and saw a purpled hair man.

"Who the hell are you?". You asked with a bored look.

Several weeks later~

You been in your brothers's apartment , depressed, sad, and crying. You are worry about Gerald...what if his not okay!? What if his dead!?

You thought as another tears fell down your cheeks. Someone knock on the door.
"Sis...the principal called..(is your fridge running?....Cauz you have to go catch it!") you been absent in school already 2 weeks.". Your brother said.

You can't let your hopes down..you have to believe Gerald is okay! Yes he is! I believe he his!. You wipe away your tears and open the door.

"Let's go to school". You said with a serious tone in your voice. You brother raise a brow and just shrugs it off.
"Okay...are you sure?...you can just attend tomorrow". Your brother said.

"No...I'm okay". You said. Your brother nod.
"I'll give you 10 minutes to dress up". He said.

10 minutes later~
You finish putting on your uniform and went out .
Your brother was waiting in the living room watching tv. He looks at you.
"Let's go ". He said.

|"MINE"|  Male Yandere x readerWhere stories live. Discover now