{His kind side}

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As you were laughing at his blushing face , suddenly his phone rings. He pick up the phone , checking who's the one calling and answer it.

"Hello?............WHAT!?....wait Ill be there". Then he hung up.

"What's wrong?". You said.

"I'll be back ". He stands up and went to the living room , you followed him.

"Wait I'm not coming with you?". You said.

"No just stay here". He said as he pick up his helmet and keys.

"What if my stalker finds me?". You said.

"Agh! Okay just go to school if you like or stay here where Cleo can keep an eye on you". He said as he opened the door.

When his about to leave he look at you one last time and said.

"It's up to you to decide...don't worry I'll be quick ". He said as he close the door and left.

"And don't forget to wash the dishes!". He yelled from outside.

"What do you think of me? A maid!". You yelled. You sigh and just wash the dishes.

Cleo flew on the counter watching you wash the dishes.

"His such a d!ck swuaaak!". Cleo said.
You laugh a bit and continue washing the dishes.

It's been an hour and still Alvin wasn't home and you were hungry.

"Aaaaggh!! When will he come home!!". You groan lying down the couch.

Cleo was busy sleeping on top of the couch.

You saw that he left his phone..since your phone was confiscated by your teacher for using it while you teacher was discussing so you use Alvin to call to (favorite pizza restaurant) and order some pizza. 

You pick it up and there was a password. But luckily you can swipe right which saids emergency call.

You call to order some pizza.
"Hello? Oh I would like to order some (favorite pizza) please...okay..thank you". Then you hung up.

While waiting for the pizza to deliver you start to explore Alvin's house.

You check his photos album and saw a cute little Alvin who is still a baby and with some kid.

"Why does this kid look familiar?". You said as you flip more passages to find his picture of his parents.

They look so happy. You can't help but smile as you saw Alvin's cute smiling face.

Then as you finish looking at the photos album , as you were about to put it back the shelf a photo suddenly falls on the ground.

You pick it up and saw Alvin with boy which doesn't look familiar to you.

They at some alley and they both look like delinquents.

The boy has Red hair and his eyes red. Alvin always looks the same.

As you stare at the picture suddenly there was a knock on the doors.

You went to the door still holding the photo. You guess it's the pizza delivery guy so you open it.

"Pizza delivery". To your shock it was Alvin who is holding one box of pizza.

"Alvin!? Your a part time pizza delivery guy???". You said.

"No idiot..I saw this pizza delivery guy in front of the my house". He said giving you the pizza .

You take the pizza and look at him.
"Don't worry I already paid for it". He said.

"Thanks ". You smiled at him.
"Yeah your welcome tiny". He said parting your head and walking inside.

You place the box on the coffee table and took a slice. You sat down the couch and take a bite of the pizza.

Alvin put his helmet back and got something out of his back pack and toss it to you.

"Hey!....Lights out?". You look at the case that says the title. It was a DVD disc.

"I think it would be better to eat that pizza with a movie?". He said turning his head to you while searching something inside his backpack.

"O..okay?". You said. You stand up and opened the T.V, you put the disc inside and it play.

Alvin turn off all the lights sat on the couch and grab a slice of pizza.

"To make it scarier". He said smirking.

You sat back to your seat and continue eating your pizza.

The movie started . After hours later you already ate 3 slice and you were thirsty.

You saw Alvin stand up and went to the kitchen.
"Where are you going ?". You asked him.

"Going to grab some drink..would you like one?". He said turning his head to look at you.

"Yes please". You said nodding your head.

"Then go get one~". He smirk as he said that letting a small chuckle out as he went to the kitchen to grab a drink.

"Damn youuuuuuu". You said.

You pause the movie for a while to grab some drink , you went to the Fridge and open it. You grab some can of soda, Alvin was already returning back to the living room and was holding also a can of soda.

"Hey cherry! I'm gonna play this if your not here in 5 seconds". He yelled.

"Hahaha...very funny like I would ever fell for that". You said trying to open the can.

"I'm serious~ 1....2.....-

"Wait". You said , you went back to the living room only finding the movie playing.

You roll your eyes and just seat back down the sofa.

"Damn this can! I can't open it!". You said trying to open the can.

"Here take mine". Alvin gave you his can which it's lid wasn't yet open.

You gave him yours and when you open the can ...your face was covered in soda.

"What the hell!!?". You yelled as you glare at Alvin. Alvin was laughing at you.

You wipe your face using a tissue.
Great..now your out of soda because you drop it.

You cross your arms and just focus on the movie. Alvin finally stop laughing realizing that you were angry.

"Um..here". You turn around and saw Alvin giving you his soda.

You saw him blushing a bit , he wasn't making eye contact with you.

You take the soda.
"Um thanks?". You said . The soda was already open but you were sure he didn't drink it yet.

You glare at him.
"This is another prank huh?". You said glaring at him.

"I'm tired pranking for now...just drink that damn soda". He said crossing his arms and continue watching the movie.

You smiled and drink the soda...and continue watching the movie.

|"MINE"|  Male Yandere x readerOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara