{Finding you}

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"Are you sure (y/n) someone's here?". Gerald asked you as you two searches for your friends.

"Of course! I can feel it!". You said as you open a barrel and jump.

"Sh*t not!". You back away from the barrel.
"What's inside ?". Gerald approach the barrel and as he take a peek he quickly pinch his noise.

"Wtf! That smells like a balls!". Gerald said as he quickly closed the barrel.

"Wait how do you know what balls smell like?". You stare at him waiting to answer.

Gerald blush . "I-I was-

"Shshshs". You put a index finger infront of his lips and rub your cheek against his.

"I already know~". You gave him a creepy smile.
"Oh..Kay?". Gerald was creep out.

"Anyway! We still need to find them!". You start searching again and Gerald followed.

Then suddenly there was a phone ringing.

You look at Gerald. It was coming from in his pocket.
"Huh?...there's no signal?". Gerald look confuse as he pick up his phone , answer it and put it in a speaker.

"Hello! I guess your having a hard time huh? Need hints dummy ladies?". It was the stranger again.

"Ladies? Wait I'm not a girl!". Gerald yelled.
"And stop calling me dummy! Dummy!". You yelled.

"Sheesh! Quiet down...you don't want to let Jason know that I'm helping you..right~?".  The stranger said.

"Um yeah". You said.
"Okay here's a clue!  This is where we read books". He said.

"It must be the library". Gerald said.
"Maybe". The stranger said.
"Okay". You said.

The big question is ..why is he helping us? You thought.

"why are you helping us?". You said.
"Didn't you read my letter? Troublemaker?". After that he hung up.

"Hello? Hello?". Gerald said. He put it back in his pocket.

"How can he call me? There's no signal here". Gerald said.

You shrug . "Let's just go before time runs out". You said , Gerald nod and you two went to the library.

Few minutes later you and Gerald arrive in the library.

"The library is too big...we need to split up ". Gerald said.

"NO!..you know what happens when groups split up in a horror movie right?". You said.

"Oh yeah". Gerald said.
"Then where are we-
"Ssssh!". You covered Gerald's mouth and point at computer where the CCTV was connected.

You and Gerald saw maids guarding the place and was walking towards you two.

You and Gerald  hide under the table.
As the maid walk past you two.
"Is this our job forever?". The maid said.
"I don't really care ". The 2nd maid said.

"Klara check that part while I check the other". The 1st maid said.

The 2nd maid nod and went to the east.
"(Y/n) I have an  idea ". Gerald whispered to you.

You nod . Gerald hit the maid's head with a stick.

"Oya?". The 2nd maid called out as she heard the bang sound.

"Hurry". Gerald said as you put on the maid outfit.

"She will recognize I'm not her!". You said.

Gerald look at the unconscious body of the maid.
"What the!...wait a minute ". Gerald pulled the hair of the maid which was a wig.
"Oh my god she's bold!". You covered your mouth.

"Oya? What the hell is going on?". Gerald went back to hide and also hide the body of the maid.

You stand up still hoping she won't notice the difference.

"Oya..there you are..what happened?". The 2nd maid said.
"Oh..um..a cockroach! Yeah ! It tried to..cockblock me!". You smile wryly.

"Cockblock?...you do know the meaning of it right?". The maid raise its brow.

"Hahaha! I was just messing with you". You pat the back of the maid.

"Ha..ha..ha..okay? ". The maid look creep out.

"So~...where is the other body?...I kinda forgot..where we hide it?". You smiled at her.

"Duh when you pulled the rainbow colored book reveals a secret passage room". The maid rolls her eyes.

"What's the book name?". You said.

"Somewhere over the rainbow?". She said.

"Wait why are you asking me about this-

You hit her head with a book.
"Nothing important~". You remove the maid dress , wig and hide the body.

"Gerald let's go!". You and Gerald run.

After arriving at a book shelf and finding the book.

The shelf slide opened. A person was chained on the wall as you and Gerald approach it.

"Austin is that you!? Oh my god Austin!". Gerald run towards what seems like Austin.

But later come beside you with a bored face.
"Never mind its your boyfriend ". Gerald said.

"Greg!". You run towards him.
"Ah?...(y/n)?...your okay ". He smiled at you.

"Don't worry will get you out!". You said.

"We need to find the key (y/n)". Gerald said.
You nod and start finding the key.
"Found it!". Gerald said, he found the key under a block.

He unchained Greg. "You know (y/n)...you could have run away". Greg said.

"I won't leave without you and the rest". You smiled at him.

"Let's go ". Gerald said.
You and Greg nod and went out.

You explain to Greg what happened as Gerald think where to go next.

"You shouldn't have done that....it's okay for me if you left me...what I want is to see happy". He rest his head on your shoulder and smiled.

"But I won't be happy without you". You smiled at him.

You hug him. "Agh!". He moaned .
"Sorry I'm so sorry!". You said , you hug him too hard that it hurts his chest where there's a scar.

"It's okay". He smiled at you.
You kiss his forehead .

"Okay enough lovebirds!". Gerald said as he look at you both.

"Your just jelly cuz Austin's not here~". You smirk at him.

Gerald blush and turns around.
"Okay okay..so what is it Gerald?". Greg said.

"I think I know where the Others are". Gerald said.

"I was thinking...maybe the others are..some bedrooms?". Gerald said.

"Why there?". You said.
"As I think..music room is where (y/n) found me and you at the library...so maybe the next place is the bedroom?". Gerald said.

"Okay". You and Greg nod , the three of you start to make your way to the bedrooms.

|"MINE"|  Male Yandere x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat