Chapter 58

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A/N: My update for you all. Thank you to everyone once again. I feel and probably sound like a broken record on this but I do honestly mean it every time I type/say it. I have hit another little road block on my thought process, but I am working on it.

Anyway... Enjoy!

Jaxx POV

My mind woke up before I physically could. I did a mental check to see if everything was still there. I noted that my right side of my back felt like it wasn't there. Opening my eyes I was still met with blackout darkness. I moved my head as a precaution.

"Finally," a familiar voice said.

I groaned, "This is really getting old you know. The whole kidnapping this is very blaise."

"Still as cocky as ever. What will it take to take that from you?"

"I dunno. But how's the eye? I think I heard a crunch when I hit you," I smiled.

I could suddenly feel someone right infront of me, "You think your so funny?"

Moving my head to where I was sure he was, I glared at him through my blind fold, "Fucking hilarious."

Suddenly my head snapped to the side and pain exploded over the left side of my face. Adrenaline kept the pain down but I knew I'd feel that later. He grabbed my throat, "Not so cocky now Ms. Constantine. Such a pity."

Swollowing a few times, I found my voice again, "Careful not to break too many rules here. I still need to be alive."

"You do. A trade for the ages. It's even been authorized by the most unorthadox person," he said while letting go.

"Oh yeah? Who?" I asked curious.

"That would ruin the fun. Wouldn't it? I'm not at liberty to say," he said in a laughing tone.

I groaned and rolled my eyes, "You're pathetic. Just let me go home and you are free to leave the city," I offered.

"Pathetic. Interesting coming from the girl handcuffed to a chair," he said slapping my face.

I kept my head tilted away and just breathed, my adrenaline rush was subsiding and I could feel everything. Moving my wrist caused me to hiss in pain and ankles were in no better shape. I sighed and just sat still. Taking in what I could from my surroundings. Suddenly a chair being dragged across the cement made me jump slightly.

"So," he said while taking a seat, "you finally learned to let the darkness in."

I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see it, "Sure. Why not."

He chuckled, "You refused your father. I heard you made a scene infront of everyone. And last time you barley fought back, this time you fought like the devil had a hold of you."

I shrugged and kept my head in his direction, "So I put my foot down. Big deal."

"The timing was perfect. You come out of hiding the same night that bastard Vagabond live broadcasted the murder of the cop I had in my pocket."

"One hell of a coincidence if you ask me. Too bad your cop was a shit shot."

Another slap was my response. Until he changed the subject, "Ten bucks says your father has figured it out. Probably called that damn crew."

I kept my mouth closed and just waited him out. Last time I could be super cocky because I figured out the ending. This time my father probably sold me out to let this asshole thinking he won and work up the Fake AH Crew. Plus there is already tension between us siblings. This could explode. Badly.

"Maybe at the end of all this you could be mine. Powerful girl with a powerful name attachment. The possibilities are endless," he said suddenly.

I shook my head and laughed, "Not a chance. I am already used as a pawn. Case in point," I moved my body, "I'm not going to be yours to play with. Plus I would end up gunned down because of you in no time."

"You aren't his pawn here. You're mine," he said quickly.

"Right. Of course. How could I forget," I sighed and relaxed my body to loosen the cuffs.

"They are too tight for a reason. Most times they leave marks for weeks. My way to make sure you remember me," he said casually.

I smirked, "Yeah. I'll remember you. With you on your knees before I pull the trigger."

"You think I'll beg for my life like that? After I get what I want I won't be the one begging," he said before slapping me again.

I growled in my throat, "The slapping is seriously getting old."

"Maybe. I'm into it?"

"We then you are being seriously disappointed. I'm not scared or begging. Defeats the purpose."

Silence was what I got back before foot steps and a door slam with steps going away from me.

Realizing he isn't coming back for the time being, I let my head fall back, "Fuck."

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now