Fifth Year - Part I

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"Alright." Juvia said as she and Gajeel walked up the stairs. "This year we have the O. W. Ls , Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations, and we have to study a lot."

Gajeel snorted. "You mean I have to study a lot." He told her. "Your grades are always the best, I'm the one who gets just enough to pass."

Even though it was true, Juvia shook her head. "Both of us need to study; if we fail... Juvia doesn't even want to think about it." The blunette shuddered when they reached the top of the stairs. "So, you and I are going to study together, so if you have any doubts, you can ask Juvia- why have you stopped?" Juvia frowned when she looked over her shoulder and saw Gajeel standing a few steps behind her.

"We are going to the library." He told her.

"Uh... Yes. That's where the books we have to read, are." She told him.

"I can't go in there." Gajeel shook his head and took a step back and Juvia's frown deepened. Gajeel didn't like to sit down and study, she had known that from their first test, but he never refused to go to the library. Moaned about it? Yes. Actually look panicked? Never. And Gajeel Redfox did not back away for no reason.

"Why?" Gajeel looked uncomfortable, worrying her. Juvia took a few steps closer to her friend and put a hand on his shoulder. "Gajeel-kun, tell me what's wrong?"

He hesitated, looked around for a moment before pulled Juvia closer to the wall so no one could hear them. "Remember last year when we were taking Lucy to Professor Jose?" It was pretty hard to forget, so Juvia nodded. "I... I encountered with a few of her friends. One of them saw you take her and was about to call for help when I stopped them. I was... cruel." He looked down in shame. "I don't know why, I just was."

"Darkness is harder to fight. Anyone who have battled it, knows, especially when it comes from within." Juvia told him gently.

"I know." He nodded. "It's just... they were two guys and a girl. They put up a fight, sure, but the girl, she is tiny, Juvia, but she fought me without hesitating."

Juvia frowned. "Who is she?"

It took Gajeel a moment to answer. "Levy McGarden. She's our year, Ravenclaw, blue hair."

After a second Juvia remembered the petite girl – Gajeel was right, she was tiny – and recalled seeing Lucy and Levy together many times throughout the years, she was also one of the best students of their year, very smart.

"Juvia remembers her." Juvia told him. "But it doesn't mean she knows why you are hesitating to go to the libr-"

"She's always there." Gajeel cut her off. "And I always remember what I did when I look at her and I hate that." He passed a hand through his hair. "I hate... I hate it. I don't want to go to the library."

Juvia sighed and smiled a bit to her friend. "It's perfectly normal to feel ashamed."

Gajeel looked at her, indignant. "I am not as-"

"Yes, you are. That's why you don't want to see her, because you know what you did that night wasn't right. You regret it." At that Gajeel's gaze moved from Juvia to the opposite wall. "Juvia is ashamed of what she did, but she talked to Lucy-san, Gray-sama... we are all friends now." Even speaking his name made her heart beat faster. "The year just started, we are hanging out with the Gryffindors more and don't try to pretend you don't enjoy bickering with Natsu-san and Gray-sama because Juvia knows you do." She smiled when she saw a bit of pink flush his cheeks, Gajeel had a lot of fun while playing around with the boys, he was just too stubborn to say anything. "Levy-san will come around eventually, since she is a close friend of Lucy-san's."

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