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Everything was hidden, everything was just right. How the hell did I let it get this far!

I watched his brown eyes stare at my naked wet body as his eyes drifted along my tattoos that ran all over my body. “I don't understand!” he shakes his head in confusion.

I look down wrapping the towel around me, allowing my wet fawn hair to drip, “This is me, I am the Darkness.”

Still in a daze, “You can't be! How can you be?”

I laughed I knew what he is thinking, shouldn't I be a man, isn't that what my rivals think already. “Logan, I am what I have to be, everything was running just fine until.”

I shook my head in anger, everything was running fine until I was stupid enough to fall for the charm of this sweet officer.

“UNTIL WHAT ROSALIE!” He snapped, slapping his hand on the counter.

I took a deep breath as my head started to spin, I didn't know where to go from there but I didn't want to answer.

I start to leave the bathroom, he grabs my arm, “Where are you going. We aren't finished with this conversation.”

I pull my free arm up, “Chill officer just going to my room to clothes on. Then you can slap on the cuffs.” I speak softly to him, hoping it would calm him down.

He lets go of me, as I walk towards my room. He saunters in after me, his eyes drifted around the room as if he remembered every moment we had in here. To the canopy bed with the lavender bed set, the top of the dresser, and the rug by the fireplace. Then he stopped me as I started to button my jeans.

“Let me just grab a shirt and I'm ready to go.” snapping him out of his daze.

I grab the black t-shirt from my bed, covering most of the tattoos on my body. The fabric drifted slowly down my torso. Grabbing my black converse I walk over to the bed only to be stopped.

“Wait! Was all this between you and I just a game for you? Let's see how long the officer can last! Or better yet were you just going to use me and kill me?” as he grabs me in his arms shaking me for answers, as his brown hair falls in front of his face.

Laughing, “Are you kidding me! A game! Really Logan!”

I knew all this would have been damaging to me, I have pushed back any feelings or emotions because of this. I don't even know where I would even start. Because before Logan I was just a shell, yes a shell with a dirty past but that was work, not this mess.

“Is your name even Rosalie?” demanding me out of my thoughts.

I rolled my eyes, “Yes.” I scoffed.

He ran his hand through his hair as if he was trying still trying to get what just happened and who played whom? Wasn't that the question we both were thinking of!

“Just slap the cuffs Montgomery,” I demanded as I walk in front in front him. I didn't look like the businesswoman he first met but a criminal.

Author's Note

I want to give xxRazmatazxx a shout out for pushing me to write this story.

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