I Never Cheated...

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Okay, here's the actual chapter! Love you guys! Buh~Bye! ~ Madi

Ki walked over to Jack and wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him.

"I never cheated on you..." Jack cried.

"What is he talking about, Ki?" Lucky looked at Jack and Ki, confused.

She really had no clue who Jack was...

"Wait! YOU NEVER CHEATED ON LUCKY WITH JAY!!?!??!?!" Ki pushed herself off of Jack and stared at him.

"Jay was dating Hunter and they broke up... The next day, Hunter was dating another girl and Jay asked me to pretend that I was her boyfriend... I did, but I never meant for it to go that far..." Jack pointed at Lucky.

"Then who told the group about... Lucky's... scars?"

"Jay did... She found out when they were all changing out for P.E." Jack looked up at Lucky and gave a weak smile.

"I still love you..." 

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