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AHH! Thank you all so much! Buh~Bye! ~ Madi

"Ow!" He fell to the floor holding his shoulder and head. "Jack?" I walk out to the hall to see him gripping his shoulder. "Ah." He grunted. I walked over to him and sat him up against the wall. "You're okay. Where does it hurt?" Jack pointed to his shoulder and forehead. I pulled him off the wall just enough to see the edge of his shirt. I grab the edge of it and pull it up to his shoulder. His shoulder was red but was slowly turning purple. I placed my lips on Jacks skin, like when a little child is hurt. You kiss the boo-boos. I heard him chuckle softly. I lowered his shirt back down to his waist. I placed him back against the wall. I looked into his ocean blue eyes. I placed a kiss on his forehead softly. I got up to hear Jack whimper. "Where are ye goin'? I still have boo-boos ye need to fix!" He whined. I giggled as I walked into the kitchen and opened the cupboard filled with medicine. "I'm going to get some pain killers, water and some tape." "Why tape?" He sighed. "The tape is to hold your shoulder in place because it will bruise pretty bad." I said grabbing the glass, aspirin and medical tape. I walk down the hall to see Jack crying. "Jack, don't cry. I'm right here. I'll make it better." His legs are in front of him, straight. I sit on top of him, straddling his hips. He chuckled as I pulled his shirt off revealing his chest. I pulled a piece of tape off the roll, placing the tape on his shoulder. I finished with his back. I opened the pill bottle and took out 2. Before I handed them to him, I felt his hands wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I giggled as I pulled one of his hands off my waist,placing the pills inside his palm. I took the glass off the floor and put it in his other hand. "Thank you, Lucky." He said kissing my forehead. I smiled as I got off of him and walked into the kitchen. I got 2 plates out of the cupboard and opened the pizza box. Jack walked in holding the glass in one hand and in the other, the bottle of pills. He set them down on the counter. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled as I put pizza onto the plates. Slowly, Jack started to swing back and forth. I stood on his feet and pushed away from the counter making him walk to the fridge. I opened it to pull out a bottle of root beer. I set it on the counter. "I love you." I hear Jack whisper. "I love you too, Jackaboy."

(This is what happened when the Fans see the video of Lucky checking on Jack. Sorry!)

"Um..Jack?" Lucky questioned. "Yeah?" Jack asked. Lucky was watching Jacks UnderTale video. "Did you edit the Undertale video?" "Yeah. Why?" Lucky pauses the video and shows Jack. In the corner is Jacks camera showing Lucky standing there, worried. Lucky plays the video showing what had happened. Lucky kissing Jack, hugging him. Jack sighed. Jack got up from the couch and went to his computer. He loaded up the video to see the comments. Jack was expecting hate on Lucky. They were actually really sweet. 'She's pretty, Jack!' 'As long as you're happy Jack!' 'YAY JACK!' '#Luckseptic' 'They are so cute together!' They love Lucky. "Lucky. They love you." Jack smiled. "There is not 1 hate comment." Jack was happy that the fans loved her as much as he did.

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