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I hope you guys enjoy this story! Buh~Bye! ~ Madi

When I turn the corner I see Fredman... pinning Jack to the wall. Jack grunts as he struggles to get away. Jack throws a punch and hits Fredman in the jaw causing his lip to bleed. Fredman had his hands wrapped around Jacks throat. "Look at the worm trying to squirm." Fredman chuckled. "DROP HIM FREDMAN! NOW!" I shout down the hall. I see Jacks face go pale as if he's about to pass out. Fredman drops him to the flor with a thud. Jack...laying on his side gasping for air, helpless. To make things worse Fredman kicks Jack in the gut before walking to me. Jack, almost blacking out, grunts from the pain. Fredman starts to approach me. Before he could say a word I coiled my hand around his throat, chocking him. "You ever hurt my Punk again... you sir, won't ever see daylight again." I gritted my teeth throwing him to the floor. I walk away, kicking him in the chest. I walk over to Jack, picking him up off the floor, helping him sit up at least. "Thank you, Lucky." He said hugging me. "Of course. Don't worry about it. Anything to keep you safe. Even if it meant I would be harmed." I helped Jack stand now. We went to our classes. Around Jacks throat were imprints of Fredmans fingers. Nothing unusual happened until lunch... Jack got to the lunch room before the group and I. I walk into the room to see Fredman yelling at Jack. I didn't do anything to stop it. Ki, Jay and I watched quietly to see what would happen. "If things get rough, step in." I told Jay and Ki. They nodded in agreement. Fredman started to get louder. "Shut up! You are such a worm! You try and be tough! You know you aren't!" Jack flinched every time he shouted. Jack... Please..Just punch him... Just stay strong. This was my time to intervene. "Yo. Why are you yelling at My Punk?" I scream at Fredman to have him face me. "I'm telling him the truth-" "You're telling him lies!" I was getting pissed now. "Jack is not a worm nor a mouse. He is as strong as a bull. His mind travels and ventures far, but he never gets lost! You are the worm. You have no wits to win this battle. Stop yelling at him!" Jack looked at me with soft eyes. In them I saw them say 'Run.' I started to back out of the doorway as Fredman walked towards me. "You're a little bitch! Ya know that! He doesn't care about you!" He chuckled. Jack started to walk towards me. "DON'T BELIEVE THAT! I LOVE YOU!" (Jack thought: Please don't believe him.. I'd die without you. I wouldn't be here... please dont believe him...)

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