Chapter Five

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Sorry guys. I haven't been feeling myself lately. Buh~Bye! ~ Madi

He shot his head up in curiosity. "Why'd you do that?" He looked at me in the eyes. Before I could answer our lips collided. At first it was rough but then it go smoother. He was an amazing kisser. This was my first kiss too. I was happy it was him. His lips stayed on mine. I peaked my eyes open to see him with his eyes closed, enjoying everything. I closed my eyes again to enjoy it too. After what felt like an eternity, we separated, desperate for air. "I'm so sorry! I didn't... I... I..." I cut Jack off by kissing him again. He relaxed. I felt his shoulders fall and his back curve. "Don't worry. You won't be alone anymore. Not while I'm here. Never again." I hugged him tight. I was still sitting in his lap and his arms were still wrapped around my waist. The bell rung and he let me up. I started to grab my stuff and leave. Before I left the room he grabbed my hand and we walked out of the room. Down the halls everyone watched in awe as Sean{Jack} William McLoughlin is with (Y/N) {Lucky} Samantha Septic. The Punk with The Geek. The Ass with The Smart-Ass. How in hell did this happen? We walked down the hall with our fingers intertwined. Fredman tried to up front us but Jack just flipped him off. We walked into 5th period only to sit down together. Jack let go of my hand. This period we had to behave. Since Jack and I sat so close together I passed notes to him. 'Hey, Jack. Just a question... Do you... Are we... together?' I passes the note to him without being caught. Once he opened it his eyes filled with joy. He wrote something down as fast as he could. He handed it back to me. 'YES! Now I won't be alone!' He stared at me until I read it. I have my very first boyfriend. I smiled at him. The teacher, Mr. Scar, caught us staring at each other and saw the note I was reading in my hands. He walked up to me and took the note away from me. I automatically turned to face Jack. His face read 'Fuck'. Fuck exactly. I turned my head to face Mr. Scar. He read it. "Shite..." I heard Jack mumble under his breath. "Looks like The Punk has a girlfriend." Mr. Scar mocked Jack, announced us being together to the class. Jack started to ball up his fist. Everyone pointed and laughed at him for being in Love. Laughed at him for being Happy. Jack stood up and walked out. After he did we heard a loud bang. "I HOPE YOUR HAPPY FOR MAKING HIM PISSED THE FUCK OFF!!! HE'S HAPPY! ASSHOLES!" I stood up and walked out as well.

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