Detention With Mr.Scar

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HEY GUYS! I hope you guys like this story. I am super sorry it is not being updated everyday. Buh~Bye! ~ Madi

We got to school at 9:25 am. Jack wanted coffee. Black coffee. I wanted some, too. So, we walked into the doors of school to see papers everywhere. "Room assignments." Jack whispered. We looked for our names.

Mr. Scar's Room
Sean McLoughlin
(Y/N) Septic

"Great...Just great..." Jack sighed walking up the stairs to Mr. Scars room. When we walked in he had the largest grin on his face. Jacks face was filled with disappointment. No one else was in the class. Only him, Jack and I. Jack and I sat next to each other, with our coffee in hand. I smiled at Jack to see his eyes glisten. Mr. Scar walked up to us, smiling. "Lucky, you sit on the other side of the room. Sean, you sit at that desk." Mr. Scar pointed to a desk in the corner, facing the wall. Jack got up, growling at Mr. Scar. He threw himself into the desk. Instead of facing the wall, he had his stomach facing the back of the chair. I giggled as I got up and walked to the other end of the room. I did exactly what Jack did, earning a 'ugh' from Mr. Scar. For about 30 minuets, I studied Jacks face. The way his green hair falls across his forehead. His eyes look like the sea, you almost think you could drown in them. His little nose is too adorable! The way his stubble rubs against my chin when he kisses me. I let out a sigh, only to earn one from Jack. A smile grew across his face. I smiled back. He sighed again. I smiled and sighed back. Mr. Scar stared at us as we continued to play this silly game for the next 5 minuets. Finally Mr. Scar stopped our stupid game. "Okay-" He sighed getting up from his desk. "We are going outside, because I hate sitting in this classroom." He motioned for Jack and I to stand and walk out the door. "We're only an hour in." Jack yawned stretching his arms and yawning. We wondered down the halls with Mr. Scar behind us. Jack slowly inched closer to me and slip is hand, around my waist and pulled me close to his side. I smiled and smelled his colonge as I snuggled myself further into his chest. I heard Mr. Scar growl. His footsteps behind us grew louder. I felt Jacks hand be ripped from my waist. Mr. Scar had taken Jacks arm and now Jack walked next to Mr. Scar. Jack ruffled his green hair as he spun around, holding finger guns. He smiled and went *ch-ch* and grinned before turning back around. I heard Jack chuckle. I smiled and laughed as we finally walked to the doors that lead outside. "Okay, you 2. You are going to walk or run 6 laps." Mr. Scar opened the door as we walked out. Mr. Scar had taken our phones, so I couldn't listen to music. The moment Mr. Scar opened the door, Jack was gone.

Alright! I have one thing to say that may be gross but I really don't care. How has Jack not been turned on at all by Lucky!? Just wondering. Wait I'm the author. I'll be back! Buh~Bye! ~ Madi

Shit is coming soon, be ready. ;-}

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