Pissing Mr.Scar off!

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I seriously can't thank you guys enough. I love you guys so much! Buh~Bye! ~ Madi

Jack turned around, his pink shirt and black sweatpants covered in grass. I smile as I pat his back, dusting it off. His back and pants were covered in it. I smile as I got down his back. "Almost done." I giggled as I smacked his ass, making him gasp and jump. "Why?!" He shouted, playfully rubbing his butt. "PAY BACK, BABY! NOTHIN PERSONAL!" I smile back. I sway my hips back and forth to tease Jack. I hear his footsteps behind me, loud and heavy. He wrapped his arms around my hips, picking me up. He picked me up off the ground, swinging my legs in the air. I laugh and smile as he spins faster. "Okay! Love Birds! Knock it off!" Mr. Scar yelled at us. Jack stopped spinning and put me down. I felt dizzy and stumbled when I tried to walk. I turned around to face Jack. His green hair a mess with his blue eyes spinning. Just to piss Mr.Scar off, I grabbed Jacks cheeks with my hands. I pulled hsi face close, kissing his lips. He smiled as he rested his hands on my hips. "KNOCK IT OFF!" Mr. Scar shouted. I felt Jacks chuckle vibrate through our kiss. Jack made us separate. When we did... The grin on his face. "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" I giggled as a response. Jack smiled. We walked to Mr. Scar grinning, holding hands. He opened the doors, mumbling to himself. "Damn Kids." I hear him say. Jack and I smile as we walked down the halls, back to Mr. Scars room. "No more lovey dovey shit." Mr. Scar walked right in between Jack and I, causing our hands to be ripped apart. Jack frowned as he went back to his corner. (I am forever calling Mr. Scars room Jacks Corner...XD) I went back to my desk.I grabbed my coffee to feel it is cold. "Ew..." I whisper. I stand and throw it away. Instead of going back to my own desk, I went and sat on the floor next to Jacks. He smiles. "Hi." "Hi, Jackaboy." I smile too. When I'm with him all I want to do is smile. He takes his hand off the top of his desk and dangles it in front of my face. I kiss the back of it, then hold it. Jack smiled as he swayed his hand back and forth, making mine go with. "I love you, Lucky." He whispered. "I love you too, Jackaboy." I really do love him. I love him a lot. I hope he feels the same. Mr. Scar scowled at us. "Love is stupid." He growled, walking towards us. "(Y/N), why aren't you in your seat?" Jacks smile disappeared, showing a frown. He gripped my hand tighter. I looked up at him and smiled. "It's okay." I mouthed. He nodded letting go of my hand. I stood passing Mr.Scar. I went and sat in my desk, facing Jack. I watch to see a short grin creep across his face. What is that boy thinking?

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