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I seriously cannot believe how much this story has grown in the 1 month its been up! THANK YOU! Buh~Bye! ~ Madi
Pic is from Pewdiepie vlog! Hilarious as fuck!

I finished my shower and put on my clothes. I needed to dry my hair or else it would be a mess. I looked underneath the sink. I found a hair drier and a curling iron. I smirked at the thought that Jack owned these things. I hummed along with my music while I did my hair. I finished and opened the bathroom door. I feel the cold air hit my warm body. I shuttered. All the sudden I hear Jack yelling. "DIE!" Followed by an evil laugh. I ran downstairs to Jacks recording room. "Jack!" I threw open the door to see Jack there with his headphones on his head and a game open on screen. "What?" He said turning around, pulling the headphones off his head, resting them on his shoulders. On the screen was a yellow flower with an evil look on its face and a small character with a straight face. Jack paused the game, looking at me in confusion. "I heard you scream 'DIE' with a laugh after. I thought something happened." I sighed as Jack pulled me into a hug. I let his body engulf mine. Apparently the camera was still rolling. This is gonna cause problems. Jack kissed my forehead as he started to explain the game to me. "It's called UnderTale. That little red heart, that's your SOUL. This douche bag" Jack pointed to the yellow flower"is Flowey, Flowey the Flower. That's what I was yelling at. There's nothing to be afraid of." Jack said sitting back in his chair. I chuckled as I kissed his lips. I pulled his headphones back over his ears. He turned around and un-paused the game and continued to play. I left the room as I heard him speak again. "Okay. Wait, never mind. I need to pee. Be back!" He chuckled getting up and opening the door. " Okay, damn. I should really remember to pee before I record." He laughed as he walked into the bathroom. I laughed as I walked into the kitchen. 'Okay. Food.' I looked in the fridge to find nothing. "Jack?!" "Yeah?" He shouted from the bathroom. "Do you want pizza for dinner?" I shouted back. He walked out into the kitchen. "Sure! I'm going to go record more. Call me when it gets here." "Okay." It's 6:30 pm. Jack left and went into his recording room and closed the door behind him. I dialed the pizza number and asked for a plain, cheese pizza. (Yes, I am strange.) The pizza would be ready in 20 minuets. (20 minuets later.) "JACK! PIZZAS HERE!" I heard him fling open he door and scream "FOOOD!" He ran into the wall while racing into the kitchen. (Me: Jack... Really?)

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