Chapter 31

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Dexter's POV

My phone rang. It was Yuri.

"Hey." I said. The band was on tour and now we just finished our concert here in the West Coast. Not far from my Yuri.

"Dexter..." I heard her say.

"You missed me huh?" I replied as I sat back on my seat. It was kinda noisy because the guys were playing Wii beside me.

She started sobbing. Did I say something wrong?

"Yuri? What's wrong?" I asked.

"You have no idea how much I need you here beside me right now." She said.

I could have said that that was a corny statement but... I didn't. Something happened to Yuri and with the fact that she needed me right now?

This is serious. I looked at Vince and Ynigo.

"Would you guys quiet down? I'm on the phone." I told them.

"What? That's just Brown Eyes anyway. She's used to us being this noisy." Ynigo said.

I glared at him. He was quiet.

"What happened there?" I asked.

She told me everything. Her mom was in the hospital. Stage 3 of cancer. She only has weeks or maybe days left. God. Everyone was gathering up beside me now, including Kyla, listening to me.

"I just don't know what to do." She said when she finished.

"Hang in there. We'll take the next flight to NY right now."

"What about your tour and-" I cut her of.

"YOU are much more important than this stupid tour."

She was quiet for a while, "Thank you. Dexter? I have to go now. I still need to talk to mom's doctor."

"Yeah. Sure. And Yuri?"


"Love you." I didn't care if the guys were listening and all. I just needed to tell her that.

"Love you too. Bye."

"See you soon."

You have no idea how much I need you here beside me right now.

Yuri's POV

If you were in my position right now...what would you do?

You can't turn back time. I wish I could. Why? Why her?

Mom's been confined for a week now. Every day she gets weaker and weaker. Everyday I cry.

Five days ago Dexter and the others arrived. I should have been happy but the way things are happening right's kind of impossible to be happy. The moment Dexter entered the room while mom was asleep I walked to him.

I didn't say anything, I just looked into his eyes then...I started to cry. Again. He wrapped his arms around me, humming this sweet tune. I missed his voice- I missed him but I'd miss mom more if she'd go and leave me.

Kyla hugged me too, everyone did. That day-five days ago- that's when I knew that... I wasn't alone. I had my friends and I still have mom.

People who love me and who I love back.

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