Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 

Three Weeks later (last week of June) 

"I knew it. That has to be it." I said as the hair dresser was fixing my hair. 

"What do mean?"

Shamie, my co-model and closest friend here, asked.

She was sitting right next to me also with a hair dresser. Shamie has long blonde hair and super duper blue eyes like the ocean. Unlike me brown eyes with short brown hair, well not that short anymore my hair is just past my shoulders now. It had to be longer but every month I get a trim or a cut because... well because of the whole 'image' thing. They said that if I don't people will get bored of me that's why every once in a while I have to have a new look. Oh yeah back to Shamie... She's two years older than me and trust me I'm the youngest model here not because I'm so great at walking but because I'm the boss' daughter. 

"About mom." I said. 


"She's seeing someone." I told her. 

"WHAT?" She said almost standing up but her hair dresser stopped her. 

"Ms. Smith, would you please be still?" Her hair dresser said. 

"Sorry." She said as I giggled. She was trying to look at me from the mirror in front of her. "How did you come up with that?" 

"I did some thinking before and I did a little research." I said while looking at my nails. 

"Go on..." 

"Then a few days ago I followed my mom after work." 

I noticed her eyes widened. "Seriously? Then? How'd it go?" 

"I rode a taxi; you should have seen the driver's face when he saw me. Then his face was priceless when I said 'Follow that car.' He almost laughed but then he said 'and I thought stuff like this are only in movies.' " 

Shamie laughed but didn't say anything so I continued. 

"We almost lost the car but then I saw it was already parked and she was entering a restaurant. I saw her though a glass window then went to a table with this guy- I didn't see his face though- then they HUGGED. And the weird part was... she was smiling." 

"WOW. So? What happened next?" Abby asked. 

"I left." 

"You left?" 

"Yeah. I'm so mad at her. I mean HELLO? She's seeing someone and she's not telling me? She's always absent for work because of a GUY?" I said. 

But Abby didn't say anything at first. 

"Maybe she has her own reasons why," I looked at here, all confused, then she said, "Anyway let's change the topic, how are you and you're boyfriend?" 

I blushed. Yeah, she knew. In fact THE WHOLE WORLD knows. It was in an interview (it was just a few weeks ago)with the band and Dexter said that he was going out with me. I was watching the interview in my condo; my jaw dropped when he announced it. I mean like what the hell? Maybe that's why mom was okay with the fact that Dexter and I are together ( Yeah, she knows already) because she thought that we'd be even, me and Dexter, mom and her boyfriend. 

"We're fine." I answered with a smile. 

"You going to visit for the summer in Philippines?" 

"Yeah, that's the plan but I have to go ask mom first." 

There was a knock on the door, the messenger entered. 

"Uhm...Ms. Casimiro the president wants to talk to you." He said. 

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