Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 

Let me tell you this... New York is AWESOME! Well at first. I've been here for 5 months already. I never knew that I could survive here THAT long. My first months here were HARD, I don't know how to walk in the runway with 6-inch heels! Darn. Mom would always shout at me and as much as I wanted to shave her head and scream at her. I don't. Well I TRY not to anyway. 

Reckless Heart you ask? Damn. Those guys are so famous right now. I'm jealous of Ino I really am. They are on tour right now. In China? Not sure but they had a concert last March but that wasn't the first time I saw Dexter... 

I started to smile. Just thinking about him makes me all crazy. 

Well anyway I was surprised to find him outside my condo last February. I squealed so loud he even had to cover his ears. Good thing Mom wasn't with me at the time but I guess if she were she wouldn't mind. When in February? February 14 of course, and he had to wear a disguise which was so weird but we just hang out in my condo and watched some movies. Not your typical Valentine's Day right? But that's all we had. 

I must say that being a model isn't that bad. Mom said that I improved...REALLY improved. I modeled for Casimiro Petals every now and then. I even made the cover of Seventeen Magazine! Oh my God. Yeah, I'm famous too (HA! beat that Reckless Heart!) 

Me and my Mom? I call her mom! She's not mad anymore! Well not THAT mad maybe because I did what she told me. That's a good thing right? I instantly called Dexter not minding what time it was in Philippines. I know it's pretty weird but still I thought she was acting at first but well I am STILL thinking that it's all acting cause you know CEO and I'm a model of her company...must get a good impression to the public. 

But these past weeks have been strange. Really it has. I don't see her at work often, she's often absent so sometimes I have to take over with the help of the vice president of the company and when I do see her at her office she just smiles at me. Not like 'this is a fake smile' more like a 'motherly' thing. And let me tell you this I asked my co-models if my mom was like this before (always absent I mean) they said that she always shows up for work. 

Something's going on. And I have to figure it out. 

Great. I'm no longer a ninja...from now on I'm a detective. Like that anime that the vice president's son always watched. What was it again? Detective Conan? Yeah that's it. Or I can be Sherlock Holmes. Awesome. 

(a/n: I watch that too! Haha! Shinichi Kudo FTW!) 

Of course I told that to Dexter (via phone). He just said that I was going nuts and that I'd rather be ninja than a detective. Tsk. Some boyfriend. 

I sighed. 

Never mind about that right now. 

Today's Sunday! No work! I was typing on my Mac when my phone rang; I picked it up and answered it. 

"Hi Dexter." 

"Hey, what's up?" His voice was lower now different from before. I guess this is what you call puberty or whatever his voice sounded H-O-T. 

I giggled then looked up, "I don't know like the ceiling?" 


"So why'd you call?" I asked while twirling a pen between my fingers. 

"Why? Can't I call my girl?" 

I shifted the phone, "You know what I mean. I thought you had a concert?" 

"We finished actually. So here's the thing... I talked to my dad and I-" 

"You talked to your dad?" I asked in astonishment. 

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