Chapter 16

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The moment I entered my room I received a text from Kyla it said: 

Reckless Heart: Don't forget you have a phone interview tomorrow. 7 pm . Just go to my room. It'll be aired live and worldwide. Thanks 

Oh and Yuri... DO NOT BE LATE. 

I sighed then giggled. No way am I going to be late for this. I placed my phone on my desk and walked to the bathroom. I have to take this dress and make-up off. And oh yeah the band left the ball wearing their costumes so that you know, people won't notice and stuff. Which means Anne and Marie changed my hair and make-up AGAIN. And don't be surprised when I saw Ynigo in a cowboy costume and Vince in a rabbit one. So weird. 

After I took a long shower, got dressed and got under the covers of my bed it was already 1:45 in the morning and guess what? I CAN'T SLEEP. I kept on tossing and turning but I still can't. It's like I still have something to do. 

"That's it." I murmured as I got out bed and walked to the kitchen to make some hot choco. 

Now I'm sitting here all alone drinking hot choco at 2 in the morning. 

"Why can't you let me sleep?" I asked myself. I was staring at my closet which you can see from the kitchen because my bedroom door was open. And just like that I knew what I had to do. 

"I get it." I said, "Oh God, I'm talking to myself." I added almost immediately. 

I went to my closet, opened it and took out a guitar. A guitar that I almost never used in months even years, the guitar that Dexter thought how to play when I was almost failing Music Class and the same guitar he gave to me when I passed Music. Does that mean that he liked me then? Ha Ha. Get over yourself, Yuri. 

I strummed it and it was really out of tune. 

"I haven't taken good care of you, did I?" It took me a few minutes to tune it and to look for pen and paper. 

Yes, my mind was telling me to write a song. 


I woke up and it was almost 9:30 am. I can't believe I slept for just about 6 hours. Because of that song. I got up and immediately took a bath. Took me a few minutes and now I'm in front of my bathroom mirror looking at myself. I wore a white hoodie shirt, some baggy pants and of course sneakers. I decided to let my hair down for today. 

I grabbed my phone and saw that I have a message... 

Good morning, Yuri ? 

I smiled, it was from Dexter. I replied: 

Same 2 you ? Hey can you meet me at our Cherryblossom tree later? I'll meet you there on a few minutes. 

I was putting the guitar in its case when he replied... 

What are you up to? I'm already here. 

I texted him only with a smiley face. 

While I was walking guess what the people were talking about? Oh yeah, our band. The whole school was talking about us! I can't believe it, I was trying so hard not to look excited and not to smile but I failed. I even heard some talking about the interview tonight. How'd they know? I have no idea. But I guess they have to know. 

When I got there I saw him sleeping. I kneeled right next to him and poked his cheek. 

"I wasn't really asleep, you know." He said with one eye open. He grunted the he patted the grass right next to him motioning me to sit. 

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