Chapter 21

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  • Dedicated kay sa lahat ng readers ko


Birthday ko ngayon! Yehey!

1st UD.



I sighed. 


A lot has changed ever since my Mother arrived. Like last Saturday I was gonna go shopping with Anne, so I was getting ready right? And the moment I opened my closet I almost screamed. My clothes were gone... well not gone, they were replaced. What I have inside my closet were dresses, skirts (you know all those girly stuff) I still had jeans but they weren't baggy anymore they were fit. My waistline is 24 inches and I buy jeans that are size 28, I know it's TOO BIG but hey, I can't move in tight jeans. The good thing was my shoes weren't replaced... not yet I mean. How did she do it? I have no idea. 

It was a week after I broken up with him. And guess what? I haven't quit in the band yet! Well considering the fact that I haven't been attending practice, it's like I already quit but it wasn't official. 

I told Kyla and others the same words that I said to him. That I didn't love him anymore, that I found someone else. 


I feel so stupid sometimes, I should be really mad at him for EVERYTHING. Everyday I see him with her flirting and kissing. I WANT to be mad but I CAN'T. 

I thought he loved me. 

How could he replace me that fast? 

I thought that after the break-up we'd still be friends. 

He gave up just like that. 

I thought he'd understand. 

I was wrong. 

Instead he replaced me. 

Is he happy? With her? 

Should I be happy for them? 

I fought back my tears. Today is Friday, like I said a week after I broken up with him. 

Damn it. Why can't I say his name? 

You'd be thinking that I was in class next to Ino and trying not to look at them. HA! You're wrong. But I'd rather be there than here. Yes, you're correct I'm with my Mother in her limo. 

She didn't excuse me from class anymore, instead when I got out from my dorm room I found the driver standing there. He didn't say anything. He didn't have to so I went back to my room and changed from my uniform into jeans (ugh, the tight ones) a black blouse and for shoes? Zoo York. And a plain jacket. 

"I heard you haven't quit the band yet." She said not looking at me. 

"That's true." I said not caring. 

She glared at me again. "Don't talk to me like that." 

Ignoring what she said I asked ,"Where are we going anyway?" 

"Do not change the subject. I want you to quit in that stupid band of yours." 

"That band is not stupid." 

She crossed her legs. "You will quit that band young lady. Or else..." She let it hang and I didn't even want to know what that 'or else' meant. 

"Yes." I answered, giving up. 

"I want it done by tonight." 

She gave me another assignment. Ugh. 

"Yes." I said. 

Reckless HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon