Chapter 17

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Kyla turned the television on. 

"We're being interviewed in MTV?" Ynigo exclaimed. 

Kyla glared at him which shut him up. Oh yeah. No doubt about it it was MTV. 

From the outside of Kyla's room we can hear girls screaming "The interview's about to start!" 

I turned my attention back to the television and the host was already talking... 

"Good evening everyone!" He said, "As you all know Reckless Heart we'll be our guests tonight-" 

"Kyaaaaaaaaa!" the audience screamed. 

"Looks like they have lots of fans here tonight. Like I was saying they will be our guests and will be interviewed live via phone interview." 

I grabbed Dexter's wrist. My hands were all sweaty it only means that I'm nervous. He looked at me then he put his arm across my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. 

"How and Why you ask? Well we have no idea why the band is so secretive so their manager only agreed for a phone interview. And how will you guys know which of the band members is talking?" The Host asked. 

That got me will they know? 

"With the help of this." The host said as he pointed to the big screen behind him. There on the screen were individual pictures of the four of us from our performance last night positioned vertically and it said beside the pictures were words that said our position in the band like this. 

(DEXTER'S PICTURE) Guitarist/ Vocals - - - - - - 

(MY PICTURE) Guitarist/ Vocals - - - - - - 

(VINCE'S PICTURE) Bassist - - - - - 

(YNIGO'S PICTURE) Drummer - - - - - 

"The broken lines (-) beside them will light up when they talk. Smart ,right? How did we do that?

Their manager did this, the staff and crew have no idea how he/she did it." The host explained. 

I saw Vince and Ynigo glance at Kyla. Kyla just raised an eyebrow. 

"Are you guys ready?" The Host asked. 

There were loud screams in reply, it was so loud that the four of us had to take off our headphones.

But then we also heard screaming from the rooms of the girl's dormitory. 

Wow, are they that excited? After a few seconds we put the headphones back on 

"Let's give them a call." The host said. 

We heard the ringing from the TV and from one of Kyla's invention that was on the desk in front of us. My heart is beating so fast now. Kyla did something with her invention but before she finished she said to us... 

"Don't say anything stupid." 

She pressed the final button and Ynigo was the first to speak 

"Hello?" Ynigo asked and from the screen the broken lines beside his picture glowed. And there were screams of course. "That's awesome!" He said referring to the broken lines on screen." 

"Hello there Reckless Heart. How are you guys doing?" The host asked as he sat on his chair. 

"We're good." Vince answered as his the lines glowed. From the audience there was a girl who screamed " OH MY GOD! That the bassist's voice? He's so HOT!" 

We saw Vince turn bright red. Ynigo and I couldn't help it and we laughed. The audience screamed even more when they saw the lines beside my name light up. 

Reckless Heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن