Chapter 18

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People say that when you're having TOO MUCH fun something REALLY BAD will happen... 

"Ma." I said again blinking, "Wha-what are you do-doing here?" I asked stuttering. 

I hate it when I stutter; it means that I'm nervous and scared. And I DON'T want to be scared of her. 

The high school principal stood up and left. Now it was just her and me. Damn. 

There sitting on a chair in front of the principal's desk was my mother, Yuka Casimiro. She was wearing her business suit as usual, her hair flowing up to her shoulders. She had this serious look at her face. 

"How many times do I have to tell you not to stutter?" She said not looking at me. 

"I-uh." What am I suppose to say?, "Sorry." 

She stood up and faced me, her brown eyes were scaring me to death. I cannot believe we have the same eyes. My eyes aren't that scary looking. 

"We, Casimiros don't say 'Sorry'." She said with authority. 

I said nothing. She walked towards me then circled me. 

"Look at your posture, do not slouch." She put her hands on my back which sent shivers down my spine. 

I hate it when she's correcting me all the time. 

Remember the time when I told the others that I hated her? Well other than that I was and still am afraid of her. I can't even say anything to her. She always wants everything to be perfect. I hate it. 

She was now standing right in front of me. I can feel my knees shaking. She drew out her hand and put it on my chin, examining my face. 

"You have eye bags," 

Who doesn't? I wanted to retort. 

"We have to fix that." Next her hand was stroking my hair. My LONG hair. 

Oh God. Please no 

She just sighed. But still... 

"Let's go." She told me as she walked towards the door. 

Okay, compose yourself Yuri. I told myself. I took a deep breath. 

"Where to, Mom?" I asked. She paused on her tracks. 

"Mom?" She asked. 

Darn it. 

"Where to, Ma?" I asked again. 

"Where going to my hotel, we have to talk about the things that you have done including your social life, your friends and ...others." 

Dexter. The band. Does she know? 

I followed her outside. I was walking behind her NOT beside. 

"How about my things Ma?" 

"All taken care of." 

I took my phone out and texted Dexter. 

Don't w8 4 me. Something came up. 

"Don't text while walking." How did she know? 

We were outside the gates when a limo stopped right in front of us. 

Wow. A limo. I thought sarcastically 

We hopped inside and this has to be the most awkward silence ever. 

Mom, I mean Ma didn't lie about going to her hotel. It was hers alright, she owns it. This was one of her favorite hotels. 

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