Part 30: A Live Experience

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I stared down at the body before me, my eyes clenching every time I heard the soft beep of the heart monitor beside me and the persons chest rising and falling with their steady breaths. I could do this... I could do this...


"Eve, you trained to be a surgeon in University right?"

I tipped my head from my coffee to stare at Yoshimura, his face looking sullen behind the stoic look he tried to maintain.

"Yeah, why?"

"We have a problem."

I placed my cup onto the counter and turned my full attention to the man I could call a grandfather, what was wrong? I needn't ask as he continued.

"There is something wrong with Kaneki."

#End Flashback#

As it turns out he's a human turned ghoul and there's something wrong with his Kakuhou, meaning he could Fade Out as the CCG called it, meaning he could turn into a rampant ghoul. He couldn't go to a hospital so I was the only one that they could come to... but how could they come to me? I have no experience with... breathing people. What if I screwed up? What if I killed him? I've been around the dead for a long time but I've never been the one to take their life, and that thought was one of the reasons I dropped out of becoming a surgeon. I breathed in heavily as I pressed the Quinque scalpel against the lower abdomen of the young man I had unconscious, making the first incision and watching his heart rate go up the smallest amount. I couldn't hesitate, this was a live ghoul and the recovery process they held could cause more problems than necessary for me if I wasn't swift. After clipping open the loose flaps of skin and muscle I dug my hands into the open wound, feeling around for the obstructive lump to the Kakuhou and thankfully it was easy to find. I gripped my fingers around the fatty tissue, removing my other hand to pick up Quinque scissors and cut off the problem. It had been maybe 20 minutes, and the wound was beginning to heal on its own now so I felt no need for stitches as I eyed the red white and purple clump of fatty meat in my fingers. It couldn't have been any larger than a golf ball yet it could have seriously affected this boy. A ghoul. I threw the tissue into a metal dish before slumping to the floor, a heavy breath of relief flooding my lungs as I heard the consistent beeping of Kaneki's heart monitor. Were there usually complications like this to human/ghoul hybrids? How often did the CCG have to monitor or operate on their Q squad?


I turned my head to the purple haired teen that had made her entrance into the O.R, or rather the dissection room of the morgue. I smiled at her before jutting a thumb at the tissue behind me with a smile.

"He'll be just fine."

"Why are you on the floor?"

"I just needed a rest."

I pushed myself back onto my feet, removing my blood soaked gloves and tossing them into the biohazard box.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Surgery was a success, why do you look so down?"

"Just thinking."

"So how was it?"

"Warm. His insides were warm."

The ghoul beside me chuckled before wrapping an arm over my shoulder and pulling me closer to him.

"You saved his life."

"That I did."

"So why the sad face?"

I made a face for a second before meeting my eyes with the ghoul next to me.

"Do all hybrids have problems like that? Can they live normal lives?"

"Hm, I can't say I'd know. Only special cases manage to survive the transformation from human to ghoul, and one born hybrid is pretty much unheard of."

I nodded my head to the male, patting his leg gently before leaning back into his arm. He smiled before leaning closer to me, pressing a soft kiss against my lips before his forehead rested against my own.

"I already know."

I tensed up slightly, eyes piercing into his own as I knew what he was talking about already.

"You know?"

"It wasn't hard to figure out, you vomit so loud after all. And if that wasn't a give away throw your pregnancy tests away a bit better if you want to hide it."

"The test was in my bedrooms waste bin..."

"I like to look at your panties."

"Songbird, be serious here."

I slapped his chest as a chuckle vibrated though his chest. He caressed my cheek gently as he smiled softly at me.

"I don't care either way."


"It's hard to believe you got pregnant after our first time together, who knew you were so fertile? But, I wouldn't get your hopes up."

"I don't plan on."

I know it was a dark thing to say, but ghoul hybrids were clearly rare. And Uta hadn't thought of such things for us.

"Do you want to be a parent? With me as the dad? Is that how you saw your future?"

"I don't plan any farther than tomorrow, so no."

"Good girl."

Uta lent forward and pressed his lips against my forehead, caressing my cheek once more before lifting himself up and leaving the room. I lent back into the sofa and once he was gone I placed a soft hand over my stomach, eyes casting down at the still flat surface.

"We don't need to worry him, but mum will make sure you meet this world."

I smiled and patted my stomach once more, other arm reaching around to embrace the soft flesh that held a small fetus inside.

『 A Life Lost Is A Life Given 』~  |Uta - Tokyo Ghoul|Where stories live. Discover now