Part 29: A Corpse Not Worth Seeing

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Well this one took some doing! Sorry for the delay as well but I've recently been making Anime Crack videos for youtube. If you're interested in watching them I'll leave the link below, I don't think I've done too bad with them lol.

I rubbed my hair with the towel as I moved around my room in search of my hairbrush. I needed to be ready and out the door in 5 minutes or I would miss the start of the movie. I had been invited out with Yuma, after everything was over he wants to keep in touch and this is him reaching out. I agreed, allowing him to choose the movie since he wasn't keen on horrors believe it or not. I decided to just throw my hair into a pony tail and ran my fingers through my fringe to straighten it out as I bolted to the stairs and down into the shop where Uta was working.

"I'm going."

"See you later."

I bolted in a line for the train station, my fingers going to my pocket for my purse. I slowed to a stop as I fished around for my money, searching my bag afterwards with a click of my tongue. I forgot it. I tuned back and ran to HySy, my lungs screaming at me as I entered the building.

"Forgot my pu-"

Uta wasn't in the shop so I guessed he's on break. I ran back upstairs, making a bee line for my room where my purse sat on the dresser.

"Come here you bastard."

I picked up the elusive black purse and shoved it into my bag with anger, deciding to text Yuma and let him know I would be late. I walked past Uta's room, hearing a male groan as I did so. Stopping I thought about the consequences of knocking before concern got the better of me. I rapped my knuckles on the door, his voice coming from the other end.


"Songbird, you okay in there?"

"Just fine."


I blinked at the disgruntled voice before placing my hand on the doorknob.

"I'm coming in."

I pushed the door open, my hand never leaving the handle as I looked at the sight before me for no longer than 3 seconds before it was closed once more.

"I forgot my purse so I came to get it, see you later."

"Okay bye."

I left Hysy once more, my mind filled with the memory of what was in Uta's room. A man, no... a torso was laid out on his desk. No arms or legs, his chest cavity wide open as I watched his heart beat. I shivered, picking up my pace as to not be even later than I already was.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Are you okay Eve, you've been quieter than usual."

"I was watching the movie."

"I meant before that."

I stuffed my hands into my pockets, wondering if I should ask Yuma about this. I knew ghouls killed and ate people; I've just never seen the eating before the kill. Was it normal ghoul custom? Or just an Uta custom? I decided I didn't want to know as I smiled at my old friend.

"I've just had a few things on my mind. Don't worry."

"Well don't think too much, you'll get wrinkles."

"You don't have to worry then."

The ginger nudged my arm lightly with a smile which I returned as we continued our way back to Hysy as he was insistent on walking me home.

『 A Life Lost Is A Life Given 』~  |Uta - Tokyo Ghoul|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt