Part 25: Let's Keep It Interesting

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Celldweller – Last Firstborn link

clack, step... clack, step...

I moved around my workplace, shifting my head along to the beat of Celldweller's – The Last Firstborn. I had just closed the file of the man I had been examining, finishing my autopsy and report thus completing my work day... but there were still some bodies I wanted to tend to... I pulled the covers from two bodies I had defrosted in the room, staring down the familiar face, and just recognisable one...

"Koju... it's been a hassle without you. Your replacement sucks by the way... but at least he doesn't talk about lame dates with different women. I kind of miss it though..."

I stroked my fingers over the cold scalp of the male I had come to know over the years. He may have only been there for moments of work... but I guess you don't realise what you miss until it's gone... Speaking of which...

"Bull Horn... heh... you ass..."

I shuffled over to the mangled corpse of the raven haired male that had a single azure eye that would never open again...

"Who'd have thought it was him..."

I kept my gaze locked onto the body before me, smile still gracing my face as I ran my fingers over one half of the males cold forehead.

"I almost forgot you met him Songbird..."


"Thanks for dropping by."

"See you next week Eve."

I waved off the man who opened the door to my office, shifting the bag in his arm as a soft noise of surprise left his throat.


I tilted my head, watching as he walked around someone before leaving and letting the person behind him in. I smiled upon seeing familiar silver hair followed by another male with a raven ponytail.

"Renji, Songbird! You're early."

I watched as Uta sniffed the air around where my last customer was, tilting his head a little to remove his sunglasses; showing off his Kakugan.

"That man was a ghoul."

"Yup. He's a regular."

I rose from my seat and motioned for the boys to follow me as I led them to the autopsy room, not wanting to continue the conversation and delve out information about my customers.

End Flashback ~#~#~

"Thanks Songbird... for not letting me know."

"Hm? Sarcasm?"


"Alright, so then there's no need to thank me. He was a customer of yours so I figured it was best to keep it quiet is all."

clack, step...

"Stay still."

I stopped in my tracks as the raven haired ghoul made his way over to me, standing a close proximity with a smile. My breath hitched as the male picked me up and begun to walk over to the metal tables.

"Oi! Put me down I'm still working!"

"But since they're ghouls off the map you don't need to give them an autopsy nor a report."

『 A Life Lost Is A Life Given 』~  |Uta - Tokyo Ghoul|Where stories live. Discover now