Part 1: Meet Eve

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Uta's POV

I stared idly from behind tinted glasses at the dirty-ivory stone building I had tagged along to. Normally I wouldn't do these kind of runs as it's generally Yoshimura or Renji that do this sort of thing, but when I overheard where they were going my interest was slightly piqued. So I decided to come along on this shopping trip. It wasn't to the standard suicide site, but rather a morgue. In all my years I had never expected such a place to co-operate with ghouls, so naturally I was a little curious and decided to sate that curiosity. Renji was the first to enter the building with myself mirroring him, holding himself tall like he owned the place as he'd been here many times prior. Kaneki and Yoshimura at my heels. The stench of cold, dead flesh hit my nose instantly as the sweet, meaty aroma resounded around the spacious quarters of the office. It wasn't all too appetising, as I preferred my meals warm, but enough to make me a little peckish as I sniffed around lightly. Blood... I can smell a hefty amount of fresh blood coming from another room. The one Renji was leading us into into.


I watched Yoshimura walk father into the room, removing his hat in respect for the dead as he wandered around the freezer doors that held many corpses, the cold seeping out of their small cells and into our bones. 

It is incing, I'll give it that. 

Toshimura soon turned to a plain white door on the far side of the room. Following his gaze I read the ebony calligraphy printed on the plaque that stated 'Autopsy' in bold lettering. He opened the door, the stench of blood and fresh meat flowing thick in the air as he entered with us at his tail. This is the room I had smelt earlier; it was bare and white, nothing but a simple iron autopsy-table in the center that held the body of a man with his abdomen surgically sliced open. Thicker pieces of the wound were held with clips to stop unnecessary postmortem bleeding, scalpel made cuts barely visible under the metal. The remaining meat chunks seemed to be serrated, torn open; most obviously his cause of death.


Kaneki walked over to the corpse as he eyed it with a distasteful look upon his features. It was amusing; he looked more than frightened as he stared down the body; probably wondering what had killed the man. A ghoul no doubt.

"Ken, don't get too close."

Kaneki turned to Renji in confusion before he gazed back to the dead male curiously, my nose twitched; now picking up on the well hidden scent that Renji had noticed. It smelt of blood and meat, but was definitely alive.

"W-why not?"

A hand shot out from the open wound of the male, standing straight as blood flowed thick down the tattooed arm that had just scared Kaneki out of his skin and I couldn't help the small twitch that tugged at the corner of my lips; that was a nice touch.


A heavy, delicate laugh fell from underneath the table at Kaneki's scream as the arm withdrew itself from the corpse, a sloshing pop emitting once it had been fully retracted.


It was Yoshimura who had spoke, using a scolding tone that a father would give their child. The white sheet on the table shifted as New Rock boots came into display, resting over faded grey skinny jeans with a thin chain hanging from the loops. The sheet was flung fully upwards, covering most of the corpse in disregard as a girls face was revealed. She was smiling a pearly white grin, 3 piercings on her lower lip dancing in the light as did her dark brown eyes that seemed to hold a lot of mischief. So this was Eve... Such a human scent...

"Aw, come on Yoshimura. You said you were bringing more friends with you today and I had to play a little, it gets boring here from time to time. And this kids reaction was a hell of a lot better than Renji's."

The female stood, standing no taller than 5'3 even with her boots. She wore a black Rammstein tank top as my eyes drew to the blood leaking down her right arm, just able to make out the skull and rose tattoo that covered her whole inner forearm. She seemed unfazed by the fluid, acting as if it weren't there at all as it dripped down the appendage.

"I brought them here because we need the extra man power, not for scaring."


She didn't sound apologetic in the least as she flicked her blonde and black hair over her shoulders, showcasing a set of 5 silver earrings in her right ear. The elderly man smiled at her no less, taking a few steps towards the girl.

"Do you have them ready?"

"Don't I always?"

Yoshimura smiled gently at the girl despite her smug tone as she wandered over to a clipboard and picked it up with her bloodied hand, flicking over pages with the clean one.

"Male; Indian origin. Aged 35, died from 4 stab wounds to the chest. Next is female; Caucasian. Aged 12, died from head trauma. Annnnnd lastly we have another female Caucasian, aged 48 that died through exsanguination."

She closed the file and smiled brightly at the elderly man, leaning against the counter.

"Do these please you?"


All eyes drew to Kaneki who held his hand up in a shaking manner, his eyes dilated at the situation as sweat beaded on his forehead.

"A-are we OK to just take these people? I-I mean... isn't there going to be a funeral?"

I watched Eve's grin widen in interest as she dropped the file and danced over to one of the freezers, popping open the latch and opening the door to pull out a sliding table that held the 48 year old she had just spoken of. A cold steam radiated from the cloth clad corpse, my stomach suddenly feeling empty at the sight of the fresh meal presented to us. She smelt far more appetizing then the man on the table.

"There is, but the autopsy has already been performed on these people and the police and family they have, have already been to identify them. So on the day of the funeral they are going to be receiving a rice bag of the corpses exact weight in a closed and sealed coffin."

"B-but that's... awful."

"You have to eat don't you?"

"What about you? Aren't you having one?"

Her dark eyes turned to meet mine at my sudden inquisitiveness, still looking bright as if I had told a joke. I had to be certain, I was curious... I had a feeling from her scent earlier, but it could just be that she works with human corpses.

"No, I'm human."

How... interesting.

『 A Life Lost Is A Life Given 』~  |Uta - Tokyo Ghoul|Where stories live. Discover now