Part 24: Slaughter House

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Hello everyone! Just so you know this whole chapter is going to be written in Uta's POV for the battle that Eve won't attending. Uta's kagune is mentioned also, so if you aren't up to date with the manga then I wouldn't recommend reading this chapter; unless you want to know of course. If you do decide to skip do not worry, it won't leave any loose ends for the next chapter so nothing will be left out of the main plot. :) Oh and FYI I SUCK at battle scenes but I have tried my best. :( I hope it doesn't disappoint.


Uta's POV

"Stop ignoring me you prick! Where are you going?"

I sighed but refused to turn and face the female behind me, knowing full well the look I couldn't conceal from her and not wanting her to see that bloodlust I knew welled in my irises. The sound of her limping form fell into my ears before her small fingers gripped tightly onto my cardigan; face pressing into my arm.

"You do whatever you need to... but... Uta... please come home to me."

I will... was what I wished to reply; but I didn't. I didn't trust my own voice feeling the weight of her shaking form pressed against me... she was more hurt than she was letting on and that only increased my worry and rage. Once realising she would receive no reply she let me go and allowed me to exit the room, closing the door behind me as I finally looked back once I knew I couldn't be seen.

This past week I've been underground, going through ghouls to try and find Eve. More lives have been lost this past week than one of my feeding frenzy's back in my teenage years; it was fun despite the goal. Itori has been a big help, using the skills she has to get me where I am now and I readied myself for taking Eve home to HySy. I have seen people bludgeoned and maimed, eaten alive from their open chest cavities as they cried for help. Yet when I saw the lump of flesh carved from her upper thigh to expose muscle tissue and bone... the broken look on her dirt and blood covered face as if she had given up hope... I saw red; and now all I want is for the people who did this to suffer a fate worse than hell.

I sauntered down the hallways, my eyes tracking for any sign of life. I heard the cries of anguish and battle so took the time to glance over the railing at the fighting ghouls, the Gaiji could easily be distinguished from the clothing they wore alongside the crest adorning them. My help didn't seem needed, making my job a little easier to locate Bull Horn and slaughter him like the animal he is.

"H-hey! You're one of the intruders!"

I didn't even move my head to look at the female ghoul behind me as my kagune slithered from my lower back to puncture what I could feel to be her throat, and with a quick tug upwards I split her head in half, silencing her and allowing me to think once more. I attached my mask to my face that I had brought for safety measure and begun walking down the hallway once more; you can never be too careful after all.

"What are you doing here?"

I smiled and tilted my head to my old friend, my mask facing his as I knew the kind of expression he was wearing without even seeing it.

"I'm here for the fun Raven-Kun."

"You were told to get Eve and leave with her. Where is she?"

"Don't worry, she's safe with Veil."

"And when I'm done with you I'm going to get her back."

My smile fell at the new voice entering our conversation, I knew what vermin it was and I was ready for this to be over with already.

『 A Life Lost Is A Life Given 』~  |Uta - Tokyo Ghoul|Where stories live. Discover now