Part 13: The One Responsible

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I smiled as I held the small ball of brown fur in my hands, holding him out at an arms length and up to Renji's sleeping face. The dog got excited for the contact as he begun to lick furiously at his face and beard, nipping at the skin after every other lick. The ghouls face twisted into one of annoyance as he peeked one steel coloured eye open to glare at me which I returned with a toothy grin as I removed the excited pup away from his face.

"I may not eat ghouls but he seems to think you taste nice."

He groaned at me as I put down the dog and sat on the ledge of the bed to stare at him with a bright grin.

"I'm going out today, so could I have a little privacy?"

"Where are you going?"

He rubbed a large hand through his messy hair as a small yawn followed, my head tilted at him as I looked at male as if it was obvious.

"I'm going to see Songbird."

His hand remained still as he stared at me, seemingly more awake now as I screwed my nose at the male with a click of my tongue.

"Now don't look at me like that."


"Can I have some privacy to change? Or would you rather me do it with you in the room you pervert?"

Renji stared at me, almost challenging as he wanted his words to be heard as I rise an eyebrow at him and stood up. His lips formed a thin line as I reached down for the hem of my shirt and begun to lift it, showing a sliver of the lower part of my stomach. I tilted my head at him to let him know I wasn't joking (Even though I was) as he sighed in annoyance and rose from his seat and made his way over to the door, picking up the bag of dog food situated there.

"I'll feed them, hurry up."

He left with that annoyed statement as I scowled at his retreating back. I know I probably pushed his buttons a little too much there, but I knew we would just end up in some kind of argument otherwise. I was going to see Uta and that was that.

~ ~ ~

I stood in front of Uta's shop, it had taken some doing but I had convinced Renji to let me see Uta alone. We made a compromise. He brought me here and I called him when I wanted picking up, just in case any members of Gaiji Keisatsu were lingering around. I pushed open the door to the shop, the soft chime of the bell doing little to inform Uta of my presence as my voice resounded around the shop.

"I'm here, Songbird!"

"Where was my phone call?"

I looked over to the doorway where the Gothic looking ghoul stood as I smiled lightly at him before walking father into his shop.

"I thought I'd just turn up instead."

"But you said you wouldn't forget."

"I didn't forget."

"But you didn't call."

I clicked my tongue at him and gave him a look of annoyance.

"I'm here aren't I?"

My tone droned at him as he gave me a look of a kicked puppy before motioning for me to follow him into the room he was currently in. Muttering to himself that I forgot to call him as he begun to walk away into the back room. I felt my eyebrow twitch, knowing he said that for me to hear on purpose and rolled my eyes at his behaviour before pulling my phone from my pocket and hitting speed dial #3. I heard Uta's phone ring, the ghoul fishing around his deep pocket before drawing his black phone to look at the caller ID. He sighed and turned to me with a look of slight annoyance.

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