Part 28: Hangover Hell

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Hey, everyone! Another almost-fluffy chapter here for you. I was going to do something else but after all the blood soaked mess I've made recently I decided something a little funnier was needed. Unfortunately I am no good with such things so you will have to let me know how I've done. It's a little cliché but in Eve and Uta's way of course. So there will be a bit of brutality. ;)

I groaned as I rolled over in my bed to face away from the window where a bit of sun was peeking through. It had been one hell of a night I'll say that much... I danced, I met new people and I'm pretty sure I drank my own body weight in alcohol. I snuggled into my pillow, a noise in front of me forcing me to peek open a bloodshot and blurry brown iris. I blinked away the residue, staring at the familiar face beside me before grumbling and rolling back to face the window.

"Now don't be like that Eve. We had so much fun last night."

"That's no excuse to be in my bed."

"Use me and then throw me out? I'm hurt."

An arm flung up to cover my head, his annoying sarcastic voice getting on my tits already.

"You helped me take off my shoes, stop acting like I killed your pet."

"So you do remember then? How disappointing."

I waved my hand at him in a shoo manner as my eyes closed once more. Try and get me to think we slept together, nice try jerk. I was drunk but I remember most of the night and going to bed was still imprinted into my memory. I was fighting with my new rock, the booze messing with the ability to use my hands so I called in Uta to help me take them off. He was a surprising gentleman and made no comments nor tried anything as I threw myself into bed and went to sleep instantly.

"We should go out today."

"Hungover. Not a chance."

I felt his body move as a muscular arm wrapped over my form, holding me close as his face pressed into the back of my head.

"So should we stay in bed all day? I can get on board with that."

"Great, now go to sleep."

I got no such luck as he begun to kiss the back of my neck, his hand tightening around me to hold me even closer to his form. I opened my eyes with a deadpan glare, not that he could see it; before shifting to sit upright and tilt my head over to the ghoul laid out on my bed.

"I'm up."

"Great, I'll meet you in the lounge."

The male stood and moved himself out of my room, my dark eyes never leaving the door once he'd gone. I had to get him to leave... because I wanted him to stay. I know I care about Uta but still... I groaned loudly and rubbed my temples. I need some Paracetamol...

~ ~ ~ ~

I trailed beside Uta, my fingers laced with his own as we made our way through the crowds of the 20th ward in the direction of Anteiku. A coffee sounded excellent after the rough night of drinking and dancing, but I didn't need to come all the way here for it... Apparently Uta needed to pick something up and speak with Yoshimura and just couldn't go alone, so I'm stuck tagging along. I felt his fingers tightening around my own to draw my attention as I looked up at the ghoul in dark shades with an inquisitive look.

"You're spacing out, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I have a lot of work to do tomorrow so I'm just planning it out in my head."

"No you're not."

I scowled at the male, he always managed to read me so easily the longer I've been around him and it made me feel vulnerable.

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