Part 19: Kind Gestures?

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Sorry for the long wait everyone, things were a bit hectic for a while but my grandad is doing better now and is currently in a care home much to his annoyance lol. He's not a happy man about it, but his ear is stitched back on and has healed nicely! And is on the right meds for his head trauma. :) I have had a little free time today and with it also being Uta's birthday I felt the need to write the next part. I hope you all enjoy the chapter!

I watched people pass by the shop with my chin resting in the palm of my hand, I was bored out of my skull and was desperate for something to do. I felt like a prisoner to this mask shop, the empty eye holes of many masks seeming to play watch over my movements and making me feel more unnerved.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

I pulled my attention from the window to stare down the ghoul working on a mask in the corner of the room, his voice sounding loud over the quiet music that was playing in the background. He never moved his eyes from his work, so failed to see the sneer I gave him before looking back outside once more.

"Just feeling like a human should in the presence of a ghoul... ouch!"

I seethed at the sudden dull thud at the back of my head as I spun around to eyeball the ghoul who looked to have not moved a muscle, my eyes casting down to stare blankly at the shiny bronze penny that now lay beside me... really? I smiled lightly and picked up the money before holding it up in-between my index finger and thumb, hovering the Queen's head up and over Uta's body so her face covered his like one of his many masks.

"I'm keeping this."

I watched his shoulders shrug as I lowered the coin into my pocket and continued to watch the man work in mild interest. His fingers moved deftly; threading the string through leather, a look of calm resting on his face. How the hell does he do this tedious job? After the last time I helped him out I decided against doing it again for fear of my sanity. I wanted to go back to my job, to my home, to my ward. I missed being independent and doing what I wanted; even if it was just as simple as going for a KFC at 3am 'just because'.

"Would you like to assist me?"

"God no."

"Then would you like to go somewhere?"

His eyes drew up to meet mine in time to watch a small smile catch my lips as I lent forward on the windowsill to show him he had my full attention now.

"Where are you thinking of going?"

"Just to Anteiku. We can have a coffee in a safe place and it gets you out of this place for a while. I've been meaning to take my lunch break anyway."

It was as if he read my mind. I nodded my head once at him before pushing myself up into a standing position and grabbing my jacket from the hook, making him aware that I wanted to go now and wasn't willing to wait for him to finish what he was doing.

~ ~ ~ ~

I pulled off a chunk of chocolate cake and dipped it into my steaming hot mocha, allowing the sponge to soak up the fluid before swiftly moving it into my mouth before it fell apart in my fingers and into the cup. I smiled with glee, sucking on the moist cake as I begun breaking off another piece.

"I may not know much about human customs when it comes to food, but even I don't think that should be right."

"It's chocolate cake and mocha has chocolate in it anyway, I'm just making it softer. Besides, it all ends up in the same place."

I popped in another piece of cake as I watched the ghoul stare out of the window, it was hard to tell what he was thinking with his shades on but he seems to have been distracted since we left his shop. Something doesn't seem right, but I can't help but think he wouldn't tell me if I asked. I looked out the window to where I think he was staring, watching as people flitted by in their daily business as ordinary. I turned back to my cake, uninterested in the subject any longer as I continued eating in peace.

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