Part 22: Selfish And Conceited

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I kicked the small dog from under my legs with a scowl as I fought with the hem of the jeans I was trying to peg on the line. I didn't know if I was angry with the dog or the fact that Uta's waistband is smaller than mine. Skinny bitch... I sighed as I finally got them pegged up and picked up the socks from the top of the basket, copying my previous actions. Uta was with a client in the shop so I decided to get out of the way before he asked me to help with his tedious job once more and do something a little more active, like laundry. This is the first time I've done both of our dirty clothes though and I guess I am feeling a little pissed at how slim this man actually is. I mean I'm not fat or anything, but no girl likes to know the guy she's living with is thinner then her; its just drilled into our heads by social media. And like everyone else I'm roped into it.

"Does he own anything that isn't grey or black?"

"I have a few white shirts, I don't wear them that often though because they get dirty easy with my type of work."

I glanced over my shoulder with a deadpan stare before turning back to the grey tank top I was hanging.

"Yeah and my job is so clean..."

Uta's hand dipped into the wash basket before holding up my damp pink night shirt in front of his form, his head tilting curtly at me.

"Do you think I'd suit something like this then?"

"Hm, I don't think it's your colour. But I would love to see that."

I laughed lightly before taking the negligee from his fingers and pegging it up alongside the other dripping clothes.

"I'd love to see it too, I never knew you would wear pink."

"I may be a goth but I am still a girl Songbird."

"I see... So if I wear it does that mean I get to see you in it?"

My lips curled into a smile as I tilted my head back to stare at the taller male, his eyes giving nothing away to me.

"Help me with the laundry first and then we'll talk."

"I would, but I have to get to work on a mask shortly."

I blinked brown eyes lightly, so once his client left he came to check on me? He was worried? So that earlier was him trying to cheer me up? I smiled brightly, turning my face away and back to the jeans I was pegging up to hide it from the ghoul.

"Fine then I can manage alone, honestly I'm just keeping busy. We need clothes after all."

"Do we?"

"I do. You can do what you want."

"Hm, I don't think it would be much fun if I was the only naked one though."

"Then go find someone naked to be naked with."

My smirk fell as I was gripped around the wrist and turned to face the taller ghoul, his face was as stoic as ever, but his eyes looked dark. What the hell did I say? I clicked my tongue at the male as my head lolled to the side gently.

"Chill I was only joking around."

He remained still for a moment before a gentle smirk pressed against his lips, covering the dark look instantly.

"Shame, because I found someone I want to be naked with."

I sighed lightly, relieved to see he was back to his old joker self but annoyed that this conversation was still on going. It was embarrassing... but like hell I'd let him know that; he'd keep at it otherwise. But more then anything I'm glad to see that darkness leave his eyes... did my words really bother him that much? I reached my free hand up, brushing it along the shorter left side of his hair and feeling the Velcro like texture between my fingers.

『 A Life Lost Is A Life Given 』~  |Uta - Tokyo Ghoul|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora