Part 23: Please Come Home

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I stared at the rusted iron bars mere feet before me, listening to the echoed cries of other human beings in cells surrounding me. Pained, Depressed, Hopeless, Desperate... My teeth ground together as my head rested back against the cold mould on the brick behind my head. It cushioned me at least as there was no bed, toilet... anything around me. Nothing but these 4 walls and the odd rat passing through looking for a corpse to feed on.

"Let me out! I have a family!"

"Please! I want to go home!"

"Someone... kill me..."

"L-let me go! I'm pregnant! P-please don't do this!"

"I'm in hell... this is it..."

I tuned out the voices around me, choosing to stare at the ceiling instead. How could I be so careless? I had my Quinque scalpel but... even after being stabbed through the chest the blonde ghoul I met merely laughed before smashing my head against the brick wall... I pressed my fingers to my still delicate temple, feeling the crusted blood and scabbing with a sigh as I wiped my dirtied hands once more on my shirt. Luckily it was a black band shirt, so dirt isn't really showing up on it, merely the grey dust clustered here and there. You would expect my appearance to be the last thing on my mind, but after being here for so long with nothing to do you run out of things to look at or think about. With no windows I could only guess time, but it had to have been a minimum of 3 days considering our 'feeding time' and when certain captives start screaming. I could only wonder why Bull Horn hadn't come to watch my execution yet. He wanted me dead right? Enough so that he was going to do it with his own hand. Now I had been caught did he no longer care? If so then why wasn't I dead yet? These are the things I keep thinking about around drowning out the sounds of the people surrounding me; trying to bargain with me and others in cells to cause a distraction for them. What did they expect to accomplish in their distressed state? I was afraid... no, not afraid... I'm terrified... but even I know better than to trust my thoughts right now, as escape is my main thought but with no ideal plan. Let alone one that would be successful against a ghoul.

"Oi! Get up livestock!"

My eyes drew up to meet the Kakugan eyes of the ghoul that had been feeding us these last few days, his eyebrows furrowed together under his mask in annoyance as he turned the key to my cell, unlocking it as my eyes widened lightly. Why was I being let out?

"I said get up! I don't have time for your shit!"

"I can't..."

"You defying me? Get off your ass!"

I laughed bitterly to myself before letting my head fall against the mould once more, clutching my right leg close to my chest with shaking hands... I was beginning to lose my nerve.

"Sorry everyone... Uta..."

"Huh? What you say? Don't whisper you shit! I said get up!"

The man walked into my cell, his heavy footsteps thundering over to me before he grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked me towards him so I was on my knees. A painful yelp left my throat at the sharp pain.

"You stupid humans..."

The male reached up his other hand to grip at his mask, pulling it down slightly for me to see his face.



He pushed his mask back up his face, releasing my hair in the process before gripping my arm and yanking me to my feet.

『 A Life Lost Is A Life Given 』~  |Uta - Tokyo Ghoul|Where stories live. Discover now