Chapter 41

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Oh sheet I wanted to update an hour ago ._. But I got caught up in this book...
But I guess you understand the struggle
You're like
Only one more chapter!
Anyway, enjoy~
Ludwig returns the kiss and I just stand there, watching my so called mate kiss another woman.

Just watching them makes me feel sick and seeing that both enjoy it makes me feel even worse. I open my mouth to interrupt them but can't bring myself to say something.

I probably don't even have the right to be hurt but I still am. How come everyone-

I cut myself off and just walk out of the cave.

You wanted me to meet someone, I scoff. Yeah, thanks for showing me your girlfriend. Or whatever she is.

I don't care.

I'll just kill the dog king by myself. I don't need Ludwig. Neither do I need his witch. I am the most powerful creature on this planet after all. I can do whatever I want and no one can stop me. No one can kill me.

"Amanda!" I hear Ludwig yell.

"Leave me alone." I mutter to myself as I run in vampire speed.

"Stay." He demands in a soft tone as he grabs my arm.

I sigh and turn around. "Let go." I look around and first wonder how he was able to follow me but then remember that he still is a vampire. "Why?"

"Why what?" He asks innocently.

I slap him across his face before slamming my fist against his jaw, probably breaking it. He stumbles from the sudden impact and I use that opportunity to pin him to the ground.

I place my hand around his neck, choking him "If you play dumb again, I'll rip off that pretty head of yours."

"Why do you even care that I kissed her?" He asks, looking me deep in the eyes after taking my hand away from his neck. He makes us switch positions, him hovering over me now, the serious expression never leaving his face.

"Why didn't you even listen to what I tried to tell you?"

He rolls his eyes while letting out a sigh. "To hear that you simply can't love me and that it is not because of me but you? Sorry but I-"

Before he can finish his sentence, I grab his collar, flip us over and place my lips on his.

"What?" He breathes out after pulling away.

"I don't love John." I tell him. "But you didn't want to listen to what I wanted to tell you." I get up again and turn away from Lu, being surprised about what just happened myself. I bite my lip while trying to think of what I should do.

Way to go, Amanda.

"Why were you acting all weird on me and didn't even allow me to kiss you?"

"Because" I start yelling as I turn back around to face him. "I don't know what I am feeling for you! I know that I care but everything that happened, it's just too much. I need time and space. I know that you love me and it hurts. Because I know that you care more than I can and it makes me feel bad. I just can't return your feelings. I want to but I can't. I don't even know if I can trust you-"

"You can trust me. I am your mate."

"You just kissed another woman in front of my eyes." I state blankly.

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