Chapter 12

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I know, I'm late again ._.
I just didn't know what to write... But to make up for that, I have a special surprise for you in Chapter 13 ^-^
Now, enjoy chapter 12<3

I push myself away from him, shocked at what I just did. "I-I'm sorry." I mutter. "I didn't mean to-"

"I-it's alright." He scratches the back of his head awkwardly.

A knock appears on my door and Sebastian comes in. He glares at Jack and I wonder what this is about.

"What is it, Sebastian?" I ask him.

"Oh... Nothing. I see you're busy, so I'll go and come back later."

He leaves again, closing the door behind him.

"What is it with him that he always comes inside when we are together?" Jack wonders out loud.

I find myself wondering about the same but what interests me even more is why he glares at Jack like he killed his family and ate his cookies or something.

"Anyway... Let's go somewhere." He exclaims while grabbing my hand and dragging me along with him.

As soon as we leave the palace, he shifts into his wolf form and peacefully walks into the woods while I follow him.

After a while of walking I don't know where we are anymore and ask him "Where are we going?"

He stops walking and stares at me.

"What? I can't read minds so you have to tell me. With words and stuff, you know?"

He starts to shift again and I step back a little and watch in fascination.

"Ha ha." He says sarcastically as he stands in his human and... naked form in front of me. "I really do have to use words in order for you to understand what I am thinking? Really? I didn't know that."

"Well now that you know, could you please tell me where we are going?"

He looks at me and smiles. "To some place I found on my way to your palace." He then shifts back into his wolf form and we continue to walk in silence.

After a while we come to find a small cave and he wants me to follow inside.

After wandering around in the pure darkness, I start to think that I know this place.

On some point of our journey, we finally see a small light on the end and walk now even faster towards it.

In addition we can hear... a waterfall?

Suddenly the light gets really bright and I cover my eyes with my hands until my eyes adjusted to the brightness.

I uncover my eyes and stare at the falling water in awe. It looks so beautiful...

And so familiar...

Could this be... The cave where I had to perform a ritual to become the queen of the witches?

No, I have to be imagining things.

We continue to walk around until we find ourselves outside again. This time, standing in front of a lake and the waterfall.

Looking around there is no doubt. I know this place. And the only place this could be is the place I performed the ritual.

I watch Jack shifting into his human form again and jumping into the lake after, splashing me with water.

"Come in too!" He yells while swimming around. "It's really nice here."

"Nah, I'll pass." I reply as I sit down on the ground. "Besides, I don't have a bikini or something with me."

He rolls his eyes and comes closer. "I don't wear any swimwear either, just strip and jump in."

"Nah..." I hug my legs and place my head on top of my knees. "Maybe next time."

"Come on, what's the problem?" I don't say anything and just play with the grass. "Scared of me seeing your body?" He teases.

Okay, I've had enough.

I let out a huff and look at him. "Yes, mister alpha, I have a problem with you seeing my naked body. Other than you and your pack, I don't usually walk around naked in public or when meeting other kings and queens and wobble around with my d*ck." I cross my arms over my chest while he starts laughing.

He starts getting out of the water and I look away, not feeling the need to stare at him.

He takes my hands in his wet ones and pulls me up. "Then swim in your clothes, if you're that insecure about your body."


"Yeah, I mean you only wear clothes because everyone does it, right? In summer it often is way to hot to wear any but people still do it, because everyone does it. Loosen up a bit, relax, take a few deep breaths and feel happy and free."

I turn around and make an attempt of escaping "Can't we just go-" he places an arm around my waist and pulls me back, my back leaning against his chest.

"No, we can't go yet." He says. "Come and swim with me."

I turn around and push him back into the lake. "Fine."

I take off my clothes and throw them somewhere on the ground while Jack watches me doing so with wide eyes.

I get in the water and stop next to him. "Happy?"


I let out a breath before letting myself float in the water. I watch the moon and the stars and soon find myself smiling. "It's really nice."

"It is, right?"

We stay there for a while just staring at the sky and talking every once in a while. On some point we started splashing water at each other and play games.

He grabs me by my waist and pulls me towards him. "Gotcha." He exclaims.

I giggle and rest my head on his chest. I look up at him again "Only because I let you catch me."

"Yeah, because using vampire speed is cheating."

"Yeah, I know. Because that would be way too fast for a wolf." I tease.

"Wolves are faster then vampires."

I let out a laugh "Yeah, sure."

"Wolves are fast." He says with a fake pout.

"But not faster than vampires." I tell him. "Try to prove me wrong. I still think that a wolf is always slower than a vampire." I look to the right. "You couldn't do anything without me seeing it coming, I'd know it before you can even try." I smirk to myself and turn to look at him only to have his lips on my own.

"I guess I just proved you wrong." He whispers.


I hope you like the new chapter :)

Love, hugs and kisses,

Yours Mel<3

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