Chapter 22

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Merry Christmas <3 and a happy new year to all of you <3
Oookay._. Sorry for playing dead again. I am in Poland, my mom literally dragged me here against my will but apparently my finals aren't important enough to stay at home but enough of me ranting about stupid things that are pissing me off, have fun with this chapter, love you<3

"Marry the wolf? Why?"

"To enlarge my empire and to get even more powerful. The head told me that I have to do it in order for everyone to see that I am not growing weaker as the days are passing."

"She told you that you are weak?" He states. "And the Head still has her head?" He can't help but chuckle at his own joke and I join him.

"It's way more complicated than that." I tell him truthfully.

If only everything was as simple as you might think it is...

"So what you are telling me is that you aren't the queen after all. The head is the one controlling you and not yourself."

"It's complicated."


I sigh in annoyance. "With me being the queen you might think we live in a monarchy but truth is that we rather live in a mixture between a monarchy and a democracy. I am the head of everything so it seems but in fact the Parliament has to approve my every decision. That doesn't mean that I can't decline their requests though. I still have most of the power but that doesn't change the fact that Head tends to go ahead of herself."

We both chuckle before I look at him again. "I remember." I state

He gives me a confused look but at the same time seems to panic. "W-what?"

"I remember you." I reply blankly. "I wanted to tell you sooner but I guess I forgot."

"Y-you know me?"

I ignore him. "But it was so obvious, you said it yourself when we fist met. Your first words towards me. We do know each other."

He seems to avoid my gaze and his heart rate increases. I find myself wondering why he might be so nervous. Maybe he forgot.

"You answered." I say thoughtfully.

"I what?"

"You answered and that's why you thought we've met before."

Void of any emotions I do what I seem to do every day, or twice? I've lost track of time. It doesn't matter anyway, does it?

I walk towards the place it all ended but only just started. His life ended along with mine and hell started for me. I thought my human life was miserable already but my life as a vampire was just so much worse.

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