Chapter 26

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Yay, tomorrow I can finally go back to the heavens we call highschool (note the sarcasm) so, probably no daily updates anymore but... we'll see.
Anyways... Enjoy~

"Jack." I whisper once again. I open my mouth but no words would come out. I am so stunned and taken aback that I really don't know what to say...

Did he really just propose to me?

Trying to calm myself down again while trying hard to figure out the gibberish going on in my head, I bite my lip and look down. Only resulting in me facing his... lower half and me getting even more nervous.

I glance to the side and feel my cheeks heating up-

Wait what?

I frown to myself and my weird behavior and suck in a sharp breath when his arms wrap around me again. Looking back up I find myself staring in his glowing orbs that shine so beautifully in the moonlight.

A flash of yellow runs through them as he waits for my answer when suddenly a voice speaks up.

"Yes." It says and only when his lips crash against my own I realize that I myself was the one saying it.


"You wear the necklace I gave you." He states happily as he plays with it.

I roll my still naked body over to the side to face him and smile. "I never took it off even once." I admit as my eyes roam over his evenly naked figure.

He leans in closer to myself, his eyes wandering down to my lips as he whispers "I know." before claiming my lips as his again.

I let out a sigh and feel my relaxed body giving in even more.

He rolls over and now hovers on top of me, trailing kisses down my neck and I find myself biting my lip again to suppress a little moan from my side, knowing very well what is about to happen.


"Good night, Luna." He whispers proudly in my ear as I snuggle myself closer to him on my bed.

I place my hand on his warm chest that now is covered by a shirt and feel his strong heart beating underneath.

"Jack?" I murmur almost to myself, lost in the beat of his heart.

"Hm?" He replies sleepily.

"Are you sure that you want to marry me?" I bite my lip, unsure of his reply.

His grip around me tightens but he remains silent, as if debating on what to say and to be honest... it scares me.

"Of course I want it." He says, finally braking the awful silence. "How can you even consider such a silly thought?"

I let out a sigh of relief. "You're right. You wouldn't ask me to marry you if you didn't want to, would you." I state as I frown to myself.

I guess I am just being paranoid that someone I care about will just leave me again, whether through death or something else.

I just hope that at least this time my life doesn't just fall apart again only to become even worse...

I don't think that I could take that again.

I guess I just have to relax and start trusting people again.

"See." He places a small kiss on my head. "Everything is going to be alright."

I let out a breath of relief and close my eyes again.

He caresses my back with his hand as it slowly moves up and down, calming me just as much as the beat of his heart. I smile to myself and enjoy the heat radiating from him when he clears his throat.

"And to make you believe in my words, how about we marry in ten days?"

I nod into his chest and continue to listen to the most fascinating rhythm on earth, the beating of a heart. The rhythm I myself have lost quite a while ago which makes it only more relaxing to feel his. It makes me almost feel like my own heart is beating again and soon I find myself drifting off to sleep, cuddling in the arms of a creature I thought I could never be in the same building with, without ripping off its head.

Funny how fate can prove you wrong, isn't it?


I know this chapter is short but the last chapter was quite long so I think it's okey to do that.

I hope you like it anyway

Love, hugs and kisses,

Yours Mel<3

My dearest ButlerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin