Chapter 23

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We walked to my room and sat down on my bed. To be honest, he makes me really nervous. He's giving me the 'you're adopted' vibes. But since I already know that and he isn't my father, I don't think that he acts all weird because of that.

He takes my hand into his and takes a deep breath and mutters something under his breath. "I know, I should've told you right away..." He trails off. "But I-I couldn't and I am really sorry for that. I never found the right time to and I only found out recently-"

"Seb." I say, cutting him off. I cup his cheek in my hand and smile at him. "It's alright, just tell me what you want me to know and I promise you that I won't be mad. I will just listen and you have nothing to fear, alright?"

He gives me a quick nod and smiles back at me. Seb takes my hand from his face and moves it closer to his lips, pressing a small kiss on it before placing it down on my lap. This small gesture irritates me a bit but I don't let him see that and just continue to smile.

"Alright." He breathes out. "I guess, I'll just tell you. Just short, quick and straight forward. I'll just... Tell you... I guess." He frowns to himself and shakes his head before taking a deep breath again. "I am Ludwig." He says but it feels like I didn't even hear those words.

He has to be kidding, right?

I feel my body tensing up and so many thoughts are running through my head but at the same time I feel so numb. Can it be true?

To be honest, I want it, I want it to be true so badly. If he really is Lu, my Lu, then I have him back. I would have my best friend back. My best friend who killed himself because he couldn't stand living, because he's cone mad, because he was so sad and depressed and I couldn't stop him.

Guilt rushes through me, mixed with happiness and I bite back the tears.

"W-what?" I whisper, not being able to speak properly.

"I am back, Amanda." He tells me, his voice cracking up in the end.

The next thing I find myself doing is hugging him. Tight. Really tight.

"Although, I've never been gone." He finishes his sentence so quietly, he probably thought I wouldn't hear him.

"I've missed you so much." I whisper back, now letting the tears flow as I snuggle myself closer to him.

He wraps his arms around me too and pulls me onto his lap. He buries his head in the crook of my neck and takes in a deep breath. "I've missed you too, so much. So much." He places a kiss on my head and I hear him sniffing too.

I smile and hug him even tighter, afraid to let go, afraid to lose him again.

"Don't leave me ever again."

"I won't. I promise." He tells me in a soft voice before placing another kiss on my head.

"Pinky promise?" I ask him, pulling back a little to look him in the eyes.

He smiles back at me, stretching out his finger. "Pinky promise."

We chuckle a bit and I snuggle myself back into his chest. After a while I feel myself being lifted only to be placed back on my bed. I slightly open my eyes, to see what he's doing only to catch him staring at me.

I tug on his shirt to pull him towards me and he lies down next to me. I snuggle myself closer to him and he wraps his arms around me. After a while of cuddling with him like that, I feel myself drifting off to sleep.

The last thing I take in is a soft "I love you." But maybe I was dreaming already.


The darkness fades away from my vision as I open my eyes again. I see Seb next to me and smile.

He's back, I think happily as I remember our last conversation.

"Lu?" I whisper while shaking him lightly.

He opens one eye first to look at me. "Good morning, sleepy head." He teases with this all too familiar smirk plastering his face.

"You were awake all the time?"

"Yup." He says, popping out the 'p'.

I shake my head. "Well..." I trail off and sit up again, while he does the same. "How come you're back? So you were reborn, right? Couldn't you come back a little earlier?"

To my surprise and much to my dismay, he just sits there and smiles.

He chuckles before he looks down, his facial expression turning from happy to sad. "God, you're going to hate me for this-"

Right as he is finally about to tell me, someone opens the door. Right. Without even knocking! And who? Who could it be? The wolf of course!

Bad doggie!

I chuckle to myself for that silly thought and turn to him again. "What do you want?"

"Talk?" He says, sounding really unsure about it.

I roll my eyes before saying "Sure."

He smiles at me but his bright eyes turn sinister when he spots Lu sitting on my bed. "What the hell is hell is he doing here? In your bed?"

"Nothing you could care about." I tell him, sending him a glare. "But since you're so damn interested in stuff that isn't your business, he is my old friend Lu and our past goes way back. We met in my past life... no actually in my past life before that. Soulmates and stuff, you know?"

"Soulmates?!" Jack exclaims.

"Just kidding." I let out a sigh. "God." I shake my head and get up but Lu tugs on my arm to hold me back. "We'll talk later, okey?"

He nods at me and a smirk quirks up when he looks over to Jack. "It's alright, love."

Deciding to play along I whisper a small 'okey' and place a kiss right next to his lips.

I hear a low growl coming from Jack and have to bite back a laugh. I send Lu a wink before leaving the room with Jack.


Thank you for staying with me and continuing to read my book, it really means a lot to me<3

And beside that, it is really fun to read and reply your comments :) reading comments is usually the first thing I do after waking up and it just makes my day. So thank you for everything.

And before this sounds too much like a good bye,

I hope you like the new chapter~

The next chapter will be in Lu's/Seb's POV. I hope you'll like it^^

Love, hugs and kisses,

Yours Mel<3

PS: she said/ thought bad doggie because I keep making jokes about him being a dog (no shit sherlock) but the biggest reason is that I remembered that because of a comment from @readersforreal

thanks for that :)

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