Chapter 21

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I hear him sigh before he slowly walks over to the door and opens it.

"What do you want?"


He lets out a sigh again before allowing me in.

I close the door behind me and we both sit down on his bed.

After a while of silence he looks at me again. "You came to talk, so talk."

I clear my throat and start playing with my fingers. "Before the wolf came in," I start. "You tried to tell me something-"

"Yeah, and just like I said, it's not important."

After that, silence surrounds us again.

"Why did he try to kill you?" I ask after a while.

He scoffs. "Do you at least now know who he is?"


"Good, seems like your Mr. Perfect isn't that perfect anymore after all, huh?"

I glare at him. "He's a wolf." I scrunch up my face.

"And you seem to like it" He leans in and looks me up and down before taking in a deep breath. "Because I can smell him all over you."

I feel my face heating up and look away.

He chuckles a bit to himself but soon seems to be disappointed in me. "I guess there is some truth behind my words. But first I guess I should remind you that human noses aren't that advanced."

"Well... Why did he attack you?"

"Try to find it out on your own." He tells me with a challenging smirk.

I roll my eyes and let out a huff. I place my hand on his chest and pin him down on his bed. "Just tell me what I want to know. If you don't want to tell me, I guess I have to use my power to get it out of you."

"Oh, she's getting dangerous now." He mocks. "Is this what you did to Jack too?"

I move my hand slowly from his chest up to his throat and give it a little squeeze. I lean down and smile at him. "I don't know what the hell your problem is or why you have to get him into this now but what I do know is that I want something from you. And I always get what I want, so you better tell me if you don't want to get hurt."

"God." He chokes out. "Almost forgot how much I love dangerous women."

I frown at him and just shake my head. "Are you on your period or something? Or are you just mad?"

"So many questions, so less answers."

I let out a sigh before getting up again. I hold my arms and walk over to the window, staring outside. "What do you want?"

"What I want?" He asks slightly irritated.

I turn back around. "You don't want to just tell me so I guess you want something in return. So, what is it that you want?"

He gets up too and moves closer to me with a smirk plastering his face. "So is this using your power?"

I let out a laugh before cupping his cheek in my hand. "This, my dear, is me being nice to my baby brother."

"Baby brother?" He exclaims with a shocked expression.

I pinch his cheek. "Yes, I couldn't possibly hurt a little human as cute as you are."

"B-but why am I your baby brother?"

"Because you're a Black just like I used to be, you are younger than I am and I like you. So, you're my baby brother." I tell him. "Why are you so upset anyway?"

"Nothing. It's just weird that the could hearted lonely queen considers me as her baby brother and isn't actually that cold hearted."

I place my index finger on my lips. "But don't you dare tell anyone, I have a reputation to maintain." I whisper, adding a small wink to it.

"I'm good at keeping secrets." He whispers back.

"I know, you still didn't tell me what I want to know."

He rolls his eyes before finally giving in. "Fine but you owe me." I nod at him and smile. "Where to start..." He paces back and forth thinking about something. "Well, he and I know each other for a long time already. Or past reaches back further than it may seem. In fact it feels like more than a millennia." He let's out a small laugh. "He didn't try to kill me but rather tried to teach me a lesson."

"That is..."

"That he is more powerful than I am and that he can do whatever he wants without having to fear any consequences. He keeps showing me that he has the upper hand in this game and even if I hoped to finally be free, I guess I will never get rid of him."

"I see. So it's just personal matter." I say to myself. "But that's good to know, now I can punish him for laying hands on my baby brother."

He lets out a breath. "Fine, just don't say it like that to him, that's embarrassing."

"That's what family is for."

"Yeah, so thank god you're not."

I shrug in response. I turn around to leave the room but he stops me.

"Wait." He says. "You promised me to explain some things to me."

"Well..." I turn back around. "What do you want to know."

"What is actually true about supernatural beings? Vampires for example. Do they really hate garlic and have no reflection? Is it impossible for them to enter a church or to look at a crucifix? I see that you sleep in a bed so you don't have to sleep in a coffin, right? And you don't burn in the sun!"

"Look." I tell him. "Most things humans think they know about us are lies we told them so we can prove that we are no vampires, which tended to be really important during the middle ages. Garlic just really smells but it tastes amazing, why should any living thing not have a reflection, why shouldn't I be able to enter a building or look at a cross? Why should I sleep in a coffin if I could just use a comfy bed instead and why should I burn in the light? A vampire is almost like a human, just that they have fangs, drink blood. We are way stronger, faster and biologically immortal but we can die if someone rips off our head or heart or stakes us. But who wouldn't die, right?"


I turn around again but he grips my hand.

"One last question."


"What is the thing you may have to do but don't want to?" He asks curiously.

"Marry the wolf." I tell him with a sad smile.


Newww chapter~

Hope you like it^^

Don't know if I told you already but I have a new book where I post important stuff about my books and ideas about new books so if you're interested, check it out :)

It's called:

-Gates to my brain-

Love, hugs and kisses,

Yours Mel<3

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