Chapter 31: Pixie Dust

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Lea's Perspective:

For the first time in a long time, I hoped I'd never have to wake up again, as long as I was in his arms. Throughout the night, I never felt cold, nor did I ever feel alone or scared. The usual nightmares that haunted me didn't surface. He was like a dreamcatcher; one who filtered out the bad dreams and replaced them with good. He was right by my side; his steady heartbeat sung me to sleep like a mother would for her child. His arm never left its position as it wrapped around my body, making me feel safe in a place full of danger. I never wanted to leave. In the early morning I felt the tips of my toes and fingers tingle. As time progressed, more of my body began to wake up, telling me to open my eyes. However, I didn't want to. Because if I wake up, it would mean that I'd have to let go of something that made me so vulnerable in the best of ways. Before opening my eyes, I lifted my head from Jake's chest, instantly sending a cool breeze across my face. The intoxicating smell of pine was like a drug to me. As my whole body awoke, I could feel his soft breathing on my neck before my eyes fluttered open. Jake's eyes were closed as he held a small smile in the corner of his mouth. Oh how I love it when he smiles...I began to look around when I saw a small beam of sunlight coming from the crack in between the curtains. It was now that I realized, unfortunately, it was morning. I was extremely tempted to just lay here in Jake's arms and sleep the day away, but there was much that had to be done. Slowly, I unwrapped his arm from around my waist and proceeded to quietly get out of bed. As my feet touched the ground, my entire body shivered from losing the sweet warmth I previously had. Jake remained sound asleep as I pulled the covers back over his body. I stood there and realized what had just happened last night. He didn't push me off the bed or tell me to give him space...he did so much more...I never would've done something like that to anyone back home...What made me feel so differently about Jake? Yes he's incredibly sweet and understands me, and maybe he's cute with his sparkling smile and doe like eyes...but...oh who am I kidding...

I wanted him to kiss me last night!

What else could that possibly mean?!

I internally sighed to myself and tiptoed to the door. Resting my hand on the door handle, I looked back at Jake and smiled. I turned the knob slowly and slipped out the door, shutting it without a sound. There was barely anybody up and the small fire in the pit was barely burning. I examined my surroundings and saw that the once lively camp was now practically dead this morning. I strolled along, passing Peter's hut, taking notice that he was probably waiting for me where we've been training. On the way, I passed the pile of ashes that used to be Daniel's hut. I began to wonder what life was like here before Hook or I came along. Was it like the fairytales we've all heard? Moments passed when I finally made it to the area in the forest where Peter and I train. At first I didn't see him, but after passing through a few trees, I found him standing before me. For a moment he stared off into space, that was until he turned and noticed my presence. I was about to speak until he brought his index finger to his lips, signaling me to be quiet. His bright green eyes shimmered in the morning light, making me lose focus. He waved me to follow him as he turned to the opposite direction. I looked back towards the camp before following Peter into the woods. The scenery continued to change around us as we continued along. Eventually, I walked beside Peter and tried to ask questions.

"I thought you said we were training?" I asked, my hair continuing to blow in front of my face.

I thought that Peter was focusing more on where we were walking than answering my questions until he cleared his throat.

"There just isn't enough time..." he spoke as he looked around the forest.

"With everything taking place tomorrow we have to take chances" he insisted, now grasping my forearm.

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