Chapter 11: Mischief

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Lea's Perspective:

After leaving Jake, I decided to try to find a new form of shelter. Because obviously living in trees can't last forever, especially now that the Lost Boy's know to check them. I made a point to walk through the forest away from where I heard the Lost Boys' voices. It gave me a lot of time to clear my head after my talk with Jake. I really want to trust him, I really do, but I can't know for sure yet. Another idea crossed my mind. Maybe I should spy on the camp to see what it's like there on a regular basis. It was just then that I heard those same familiar voices from earlier.

"Ryan there's no way we're gonna find him tonight he could be anywhere on the island by now" a Lost Boy admitted.

"Or maybe another team already found him" another boy piped up.

"Oh come on guys we have to keep trying! Don't you know how fun it will be to watch everyone else work for a WEEK? We just have to outsmart him. And think about it, once he's back at camp we're all gonna laugh and joke about how we had to go searching for days to find him" their leader suggested.

A mischievous idea brushed across my mind. I grinned to myself and climbed up the nearest tree. I silently tree hopped closer to the group and started observing my surroundings.

Three words:

Lost. Boy. Territory.

As I started looking around me I noticed an array of traps everywhere that were originally set by Lost Boys. Thinking to myself; I think I should have some fun. After all what's the damage in messing with a few Lost Boys? If I'm gonna pull this off I'm gonna have to act fast.

Jake's Perspective:

After Lea left I decided to start heading back towards camp. I knew most of the Lost Boys would be gone on their "Scavenger Hunt" if they haven't given up yet. I have to give Lea credit, she's pretty clever. I think when and if she's ready to come back to camp, she could actually fit in real easily. When I get back to camp, I notice Dan, Julian, and Tom sitting around the fire.

"You guys call it quits early?" I asked.

"Yeah at this point I'm exhausted. Where have you been? The team I saw you with returned hours ago?" Dan questioned.

"Oh-uh just had to clear my head, that's all" I make up. These guys may be like brothers to me, but there's no way I could tell them about Lea.

"It sounds like Ryan's group is going out all night to try to find the arrival" Tom spoke up.

"Has anyone seen Ryan's group at all? Last I saw them they were checking out Mermaid's Lagoon" Julian asked.

"Nope, haven't seen him. Maybe he's-"



Voices from the nearby forest interrupted our conversation. And I had a pretty good idea what it was about. Julian, Tom, and Dan jumped from their seats on the log and into the forest where the voices came from, so I followed. When we found the boys, we were shocked. They were all ensnared in various traps we set up earlier this week. The leader Ryan was hanging upside down by his leg from one of the rope snares.

"Ryan what happened?!" Dan yelled.

"It's the new arrival! We were out looking for him and he came out of nowhere and tricked us into getting caught into our own traps!"

"Well he can't be too far, which way did he head?" Julian asked.

Ryan pointed to a direction and the guys were off. I stayed behind to let most of the boys go.

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